Sunday 15 September 2024

Short story: Kelly

As I sit here in the quiet of my living room, my mind is turning about my daughter Kelly. 

She's home from college for break, and it's wonderful to have her here - a ray of sunlight as she moves around the house with the confidence and grace that she inherited from her mother. She's stunningly beautiful, inside and out, and my heart swells with pride whenever I see her.

But there's a part of me that worries, a part that feels a twinge of frustration. Kelly is so fiercely independent, so headstrong and rebellious in her own right. While I admire her strength and determination, there are moments when her choices leave me feeling an unease that I can't brush off.
I hear the distant thump of bass coming from her bedroom, where she spends hours lost in the world of loud rap and hip-hop. And then there's the faint scent of weed wafting in through the open balcony door, signaling her chosen method of relaxation. It's not the image I had envisioned for my daughter, and it's hard not to feel a pang of concern.
I suspect she is up there and out on that balcony, scantily clad as usual. My concern is that I know that there are neighbors who can see her - and some of my neighbors are guys older than me, whom I'm not sure I entirely trust. 
I find myself longing for the days when Kelly was younger, when she would eagerly spend time with me, sharing her hopes and dreams without reservation. Now, it feels like she's slipping away, retreating into her own world of "cool" where I struggle to reach her.
But even as these worries weigh on my mind, I know deep down that Kelly is simply finding her own path in life. She's carving out her identity, testing boundaries, and asserting her independence in a way that's both admirable and frustrating for a protective father to witness.
So, as much as it pains me to see her retreat into her bedroom, lost in the world of rap music and weed smoke, I know that I have to give her the space she needs to grow. In the end, all I can do is love her, support her, and be there for her whenever she needs me. Because no matter how independent she may become, she will always be my beautiful daughter, and my love for her knows no bounds.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Saturday night. In the heart of the bustling city, where skyscrapers reach for the heavens, there's a rooftop party buzzing with excitement. It's a celebration marking the grand opening of a chic new rooftop bar, and among the crowd stands Benjamin, a 6 foot 4 Black King who exudes strength and grace. Tall, with a powerfully built frame, a deep, dark complexion, and long dreadlocks, he moves through the throng with an air of quiet confidence.

As the evening unfolds, Benjamin finds himself drawn to a corner of the rooftop where two young women are chatting animatedly. His attention is immediately captured by one of the girls - a striking young brunette adorned in a revealing pink top and casual blue jeans. She exudes a natural, unaffected beauty that seems to glow under the soft lights.
Benjamin watches her with quiet fascination as she engages in conversation with her friend. Her laughter rings out like music, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. When her friend excuses herself to fetch more champagne, Benjamin sees his chance.
With a warm, inviting smile, he approaches the young woman, his heart beating with anticipation. "Hi there, miss," he says, his voice deep, smooth and confident.
The young woman looks up, her gaze meeting his, surprise flickering in her eyes. "Hello," she replies, returning his smile albeit with a touch of uncertainty.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull he feels towards her, Benjamin forges ahead. "I couldn't help but notice you from across the party," he confesses, his words deliberate and sincere. "I knew I had to seize the opportunity to introduce myself."
A shy blush tints the girl's cheeks as she listens to his words, her interest piqued despite herself. "Oh, really?" she responded, her tone soft yet curious.
With each passing moment, Benjamin feels a powerful connection growing stronger between them. He leans in slightly, his dark eyes locked with hers. "What's your name?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
She hesitates for a moment, the flutter of uncertainty evident in her eyes. "It's Emily," she replies finally, a small smile playing at her lips.
Benjamin's heart leaps with joy at the sound of her name. "Emily," he repeats, savoring the way it rolls off his tongue. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Before Emily can respond, Benjamin seizes the moment, his gaze unwavering. "Would you mind if I took your number?" he asks, his tone direct.
A flicker of hesitation crosses Emily's features as she glances around nervously. "I'm sorry...I actually have a boyfriend," she admits, her voice tinged with... regret?
Undeterred, Benjamin presses on, his determination unwavering. "I understand," he says, his smile never faltering. "But we only live once. Before your friend returns, I have to try to convince you to share your number with me. What harm could it do?"
For a moment, Emily seems torn, her gaze flickering between Benjamin and the approaching figure of her friend. Then, with a small sigh, she relents. "Okay," she says softly, reaching for her phone. "But just this once." She smiles and laughs nervously.
A surge of triumph courses through Benjamin as Emily recites her number, each digit etched into his memory like a precious treasure. With a smile, he enters the digits into his phone, savoring the moment as if it were a cherished victory.
As Emily's friend returns, Benjamin holds her eyes for one last moment - then departs - his mind filled with thoughts of the beautiful young brunette who has captured his attention in the span of a single evening.
And as the night unfolds, he can't shake the feeling that this chance encounter was just the beginning of his next big adventure.

Thursday 12 September 2024

White women partying with Black Kings

If you're on social media as much as I am, you'll have seen the exponential rise in beautiful white women choosing Black Kings as their partners - and vice versa. 

We've gone from a place where thirty years ago it was still quite rare, to now, where it's almost a safe bet that a gorgeous, sexy, white goddess will have been snapped up by a powerful Black King. 

As you'll all know, I have graduated from being that insecure, jealous white boy of twenty years ago, to being the super-charged champion promoter of BM / wf interracial that I am today, learning to find overwhelming sexual intrigue from my own denial and displacement. It's a life course I thoroughly recommend, my fellow cucks!

One of the other big trends I am seeing on social media is white women partying with Black Kings, presumably as a direct result of Black Kings taking over and controlling the social scene in most Western cities, white men retreating from them, and white women feeling liberated to express their attractiveness and sexuality in an empowering and jealousy-free zone. 

It is absolutely fascinating to watch...

Sunday 8 September 2024

Short story: Jen

On a serene Sunday morning, the golden rays of the sun illuminate a beautiful suburban home, casting a warm glow on the spacious kitchen. The sweet aroma of breakfast fills the air as Jen moves around the kitchen, expertly preparing a morning feast.

She is a beautiful blonde woman in her 30s. She is unconscientiously completely naked, wearing only a cooking apron, which barely contains her voluptuous figure and her large, beautiful breasts which hang freely under the material. 

His gaze lingers over her naked beautiful body with a sensual intensity that mirrors the warmth of the morning sun pouring through the window. She is captivating, not just in her curvaceous physical beauty but in the way she effortlessly navigates the kitchen, creating an atmosphere of comfort and domestic joy that, dammit, he could get used to.
As Darius sits at the table, he can't shake the realization that he has developed a strong attraction for the beautiful white woman before him. It isn't just about her physical allure; it's the way her laughter dances through the air, the way her eyes hold his with the deep and prolonged sexual intimacy that they have shared over the weekend. 
He's found himself drawn to her, entangled in emotions that he knows are both complicated - and forbidden.
The impending departure weighs heavily on him. He knows he has to leave soon, tearing himself away from the enchanting scene that has unfolded in this beautiful home. However, the magnetic pull of this gorgeous white woman - and the burgeoning feelings within him, make the prospect of saying goodbye all the more difficult.
Their deep connection has grown over the few days spent together in the absence of her husband, half way across the country on another  business trip.
Their chance meeting, their instant attraction, their intense flirtation, leading to deep sexual intimacy fueled with emotion. And now, the unspoken understanding of the impending farewell creating a complex web of more emotions. They both know that the imminent return of Jen's husband will bring the intimacy they have shared to an end.
Later in the day, as they stand face to face in the hall, Darius cannot find the right words. Jen, still unashamedly naked, her eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions, her large breasts full and moving in rhythm with her breathing. With a heavy heart, Darius bids his farewell, enveloping Jen in his strong arms and kissing her deeply, his tongue savoring for the last time her sweet and unforgettable taste. 
As he walks away from the beautiful home, the echoes of their extra-marital passion lingers in his mind. The beauty of the Sunday morning, the laughter in the kitchen, and the forbidden interracial attraction would become memories to add to his life story. 

Saturday 7 September 2024

Short story: Katie

Katie had always been accustomed to the occasional stranger recognizing her whenever she rollerblades along the vibrant boardwalks of Venice Beach.

Her career as a model and her profile on Insta had granted her some level of fame, although she wasn't widely recognized like some of her peers.
This Saturday afternoon, the sun shines bright as she glides gracefully along the boardwalk, the rhythmic motion of her rollerblades accompanied by the soothing sound of ocean waves and people chattering nearby.
Katie's tiny, light orange, one-piece swimsuit clings to her, displaying her beautiful body. She is so at ease in her own self that she simply accepts the adoring looks and smiles happily.  
Her blonde hair cascades behind her like a golden waterfall. She is lost in her thoughts, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her skin and the gentle sea breeze rustling through her hair.

As she skates along, her eyes catch sight of a tall, muscular Black man walking towards her, with the darkest of skin tones and long, elegant dreadlocks. He radiates energy, like an ancient King from another land. 
He stands there, like a statue of strength and serenity, soaking in the beach atmosphere. Their paths converge, and he looks at her with a warmth that makes her heart literally skip a beat.
"Oh my. Now you are just perfect!" he exclaims, beaming a smile that radiates confidence and admiration.
Katie's rollerblades continue to carry her forward, but her thoughts are left trailing behind.
The unexpected compliment takes her by surprise, momentarily causing her to hesitate. Yet, something about his sincerity and the genuine warmth in his eyes make her look back over her shoulder and smile.
He is still standing there, his smile unwavering. "Perfect 10, girl!" he exclaims.
Their eyes meet, and Katie can't help but laugh. It is a smile of gratitude for the unexpected compliment, an unexpected interracial connection made in a fleeting moment on the sun-kissed boardwalk of Venice Beach.
The world continued to move around them as Katie skates away, but that brief encounter leaves an indelible mark on her day. It's a reminder that even in the hustle and bustle of life, genuine moments of connection and appreciation can be found in the most unexpected places.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Goddess worshipping: meeting Penny at The Bondage Ball

The Mayan Theatre in Los Angeles was a beacon of erotically-charged glamour last week - for the annual Bondage Ball. 

Attendees flowed in, dressed in their highly-polished, finest fetish gear, eager to revel in the magic of The Ball—a celebration of fetish and S&M for all lovers of the erotic arts.
Among the throngs of spectacularly attired guests, one figure stood out to me immediately: adult star goddess and star of BLACKED - Penny Barber - was in the house. 
Her presence was magnetic, her aura of stardom palpable as she moved through the crowd with effortless grace. Her long dark hair cascaded in a ponytail down her shoulders, framed by a pink baseball cap—an unexpected and sassy twist of casual chic amidst the formal fetish affair. 
Long red latex opera gloves adorned her arms, contrasting strikingly with the shimmering silver knee-high boots that accentuated her every elegant step. 
But best of all was the white latex thong that she was wearing, beautifully showcasing one of the finest, heart-shaped asses on display anywhere that night.
I couldn’t help but admire Penny from afar, marveling at how effortlessly she embodied both glamour and sexy charisma. It was a fleeting moment of admiration until fate intervened later in the evening.
Upstairs, at the bustling bar, our paths crossed again. Heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nerves, I gathered my courage and approached her. She turned, her dark eyes sparkling as she greeted me with a smile.
"Hi Penny! It's The Goddess Worshipper - we met at X3. It's wonderful to see you again," I said, doing my best to not look utterly stalker-like.
Recognition sparked in her eyes as she recalled the encounter. "Yes, I remember you. It's good to see you."
What followed was a brief conversation that felt surreal. Penny's charisma is undeniable and she is so stunning in person with her killer toned body that it's hard to know where to look.
Throughout our chat, I found myself captivated not just by her celebrity, but by her open demeanor and sense of fun. Her beauty, though striking, is complemented by a genuine warmth that makes her all the more enchanting.
Walking home under the twinkling lights of Los Angeles, I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. The evening had been a whirlwind of glamour, beautiful goddesses and unexpected connections, leaving me feeling elated and grateful for the magical encounter with Penny Barber at The Bondage Ball.

Monday 8 July 2024

Goddess worshipping: Hannah

When I first started to become obsessed with Black male / white female interracial, I thought that it was a niche cultural trend, mostly confined to the major cities. I might have estimated off the top of my head that, say, 5% to 10% of white women would be with Black Kings. 

Now, here we are, twenty years later, and if you asked me to estimate now, I'd have no idea where I'd place my bet. Suffice to say, if I see a high quality white goddess, either in my everyday life or online, I'd guess there's probably a 50% chance she's been snapped up a Black King, so much so, that I can't keep up with it, as a one-man blogging machine.

Today's goddess is Hannah - a dancer from the UK. This gorgeous young blue-eyed blonde exudes the kind of sexy, confident, boss-babe charisma that gets cucks, gooners and simps twitching with impotent unfulfilled lust - and she looks like she knows it!

With ice blue eyes, full lips, and a perky, dancer's body that looks like it's been sculpted in heaven, Hannah is an unobtainable hip hop goddess, who's been lucky enough to be a back-up dancer for artists including 50 Cent....

And let's just say this confident young goddess with the steely blue gaze is leading a lifestyle way beyond the reach of most of her starry-eyed adoring fans...she's a real VIP babe...

This young lady is like a dream come true for the #deniedcuckboi - for while we can gaze up at the perfect contours of her smooth body and dream...predictably, it's a lucky African King who has snapped her up...

We can get all twisted up that another beautiful young white goddess has been taken off the market - or we can be happy for her - and pay due respect to her King, who had the power to claim the prize when others fell by the wayside...

Short story: Kelly

As I sit here in the quiet of my living room, my mind is turning about my daughter Kelly.  She's home from college for break, and it'...