Thursday, 12 September 2024

White women partying with Black Kings

If you're on social media as much as I am, you'll have seen the exponential rise in beautiful white women choosing Black Kings as their partners - and vice versa. 

We've gone from a place where thirty years ago it was still quite rare, to now, where it's almost a safe bet that a gorgeous, sexy, white goddess will have been snapped up by a powerful Black King. 

As you'll all know, I have graduated from being that insecure, jealous white boy of twenty years ago, to being the super-charged champion promoter of BM / wf interracial that I am today, learning to find overwhelming sexual intrigue from my own denial and displacement. It's a life course I thoroughly recommend, my fellow cucks!

One of the other big trends I am seeing on social media is white women partying with Black Kings, presumably as a direct result of Black Kings taking over and controlling the social scene in most Western cities, white men retreating from them, and white women feeling liberated to express their attractiveness and sexuality in an empowering and jealousy-free zone. 

It is absolutely fascinating to watch...

1 comment:

Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...