Friday, 10 March 2017

Cuck thoughts: Black Men Winning...deeper into cuckoldry

Hey Guys! Things have been pretty busy and I haven't posted in a while, so I wanted to catch up and share some new thoughts with you.

Before I do, I want to thank everybody for all their support of my blog and tumblr. 99% of it is positive, from the guys and the girls - and I am hugely grateful for your appreciation. It's what makes the effort worthwhile. Please remember to take a moment to comment on the posts, feel free to email me any suggestions you have - and remember, I'm always looking for new content, especially readers' real experiences!

Now on to my thought for today.

As a white guy who's been seriously hooked on Interracial for nearly two decades now, I just can't believe how fast the scene is evolving. When I was first starting to become intrigued, I knew there was a major cultural shift underway. I got my education about it from the London club scene, where I discovered clubs that were the domain of well-connected, super confident Black guys and filled with the most stunning white girls. I learned the hard way that the attraction and chemistry between these two groups quite simply could not be contended with. It caused heartache at the time - but since then, I've grown up and come to love it...

Fast forward to now and the change has accelerated more than I could ever have predicted. Interracial porn has exploded - with "interracial" and the terms associated with it like "BBC" being by far the most searched for categories in porn. 

No doubt a lot of this is driven by white guys like me, who, as white girls have turned to Black men, we have turned to the internet. White guys especially now consume porn that celebrates white girls who go Black - and this explosion has gone to a whole new level with the arrival of the unprecedented (my favourite site) which has taken the porn world by storm, won every award imaginable, and won legions of fans both male and female. There could not be a more glamorous and seductive advert for interracial...

The revolution is driven by white women of all ages: many of the most beautiful and sexy white women and girls are now dating Black guys or curious to - and for many it is seen as a "badge of honour" with all the old stigmas almost destroyed. This is manifest by the explosion on social media of a whole new lexicon of hashtags like "#blackguyswinning" or the more direct "#nowhiteboys" and even more in-your-face memes like "sorryken" which is spreading too darn fast to keep with...

In my mind, there is no doubt that Black male white female interracial is the sexual future - and there is a momentum now in place that cannot be stopped. I for one would not want to.

Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...