Saturday, 16 November 2024

Scenario: Kelly on rollerblades

It was a crisp Saturday morning when Kelly laced up her rollerblades, eager to take advantage of the quiet, sun-dappled pathway that wound along the river. The sound of the water flowing beside her was a calming backdrop to the soft hum of her skates as she glided past the tall grasses and overhanging branches. It was her favorite part of the day: the peaceful solitude, the warm sun, and the sense of freedom as she skated along the winding path.

Wearing just her blue swimsuit, Kelly felt the perfect blend of comfort and freedom. She loved the feel of the wind on her skin, the world rushing past her as she maneuvered over the path, her mind clear of any worries. 

Normally, she was alone on these morning skates, so the quiet, serene atmosphere was hers to enjoy. But today, as she rounded a curve in the path, she spotted someone up ahead—a jogger moving at a steady pace.

It was a Black man, in his 40s, tall and strong, his steady rhythm of movement a reflection of his experience. He wore a light blue athletic shirt and dark shorts, his feet hitting the path with precision. 

As she skated closer, the Black  man, Denzel, looked up and saw her coming. He gave her a warm smile, his expression friendly and welcoming. Kelly smiled back, feeling a small surge of energy from the simple human exchange.

"Good morning!" Denzel called out as she neared, his voice deep and warm.

"Good morning!" Kelly responded, her breath steady as she slowed her pace just a little, moving toward the edge of the path to give him space to continue.

Denzel gave her an appreciative nod as he jogged past, his eyes lingering on her gorgeous body. There was something about Kelly's presence that made him smile, the sight of a young girl so free and unburdened in a world that often felt weighed down by the demands of life.

"You're looking strong out here, girl," he said, turning his head slightly to continue the conversation and take in her figure. without breaking his stride. "You make rollerblading look effortless."

Kelly laughed, feeling a little shy but grateful for the compliment. "Thanks! I’ve been doing it for a while now."

Denzel grinned. "You can tell. Keep enjoying it, girl!"

With that, he picked up his pace, continuing his jog along the river. Kelly, now a little lighter from the friendly exchange, picked up her speed again, feeling the wind on her face as she skated onward.

The rest of her ride was just as peaceful as before, but now she had a small, uplifting moment to carry with her—a brief but meaningful interaction with a handsome Black man that would stay with her for a long time to come.

Friday, 15 November 2024

Submission: Friendzoned

"Friendzoned", a friend and supporter from the UK, writes:

I wanted to explain my most intense “friendzone” experience. 

I’m very into my fitness and compete in competitions as well as really looking after myself and going to the gym about 6 times a week. 

I’d been single a while mainly due to work commitments and just focusing on training when I joined an internet dating site. I’d met a couple of girls but nothing had taken off when I saw the profile of a stunning blonde girl, she was 30 and had a gorgeous face with a body to die for. Super athletic she was hugely into her diet and training. 

I approached her on the site and we quickly got chatting and hit it off. She was a distance from me but in my mind I’d already worked out the logistics of how to get to her for a date. 

It was when I asked her if she’d like to meet up for dinner the next weekend that she responded in a way that I hadn’t anticipated. She came straight out and said that while I was really nice, she had a definitive type. And I wasn’t it. 

Of course I asked her what the type was and she just came straight out and said “I like Black guys”. 

This floored me. At the same time it was a massive turn on and was like a switch had been flicked. I’d always been interested in interracial sites like BLACKED but I’d never before met a girl that was focused on only dating Black men. 

I said that it was fine that she felt that way and I was enjoying chatting to her anyway. We had moved away from the site by then and onto WhatsApp and once her position had been made clear our friendship developed quickly but also changed. 

It became more teasing and sexual, I’d openly tell her about scenes I’d seen on BLACKED and she would tell me about past sexual experiences. She started leaving voice notes and had the sexiest voice to go with the mind-blowing body. 

We also FaceTimed. She was such a natural beauty that she looked amazing every time even just after a gym workout. Of course she was still looking for a boyfriend on the dating app and she would ask me what I thought about different potential dates. All were Black.

 They didn’t have to be ripped and muscular but a lot were. She hit it off with one Black guy. He was relatively short but very muscular and she said he had great chat. They agreed to meet up and he would travel to her and stay at an air b&b. 

She wanted to wear something sexy but classy for the date and would ask what I thought of different outfits. The thought of her wearing something super sexy for a date with him really appealed to me and I ended up offering to buy her a pair of tight faux leather trousers that really showed off her amazing ass. 

It was exciting to think that I’d have contributed to this amazing girls date with a superior Black man. 

On the day of the date she sent me pics of the outfit then updates from the date when she had a spare moment. Then they headed back to his apartment. She was determined not to have sex but he was equally determined to fuck her. They made out a lot she said and his hands were everywhere. He even took his cock out at one point. 

She said his cock was massive, circumcised and “beautiful”. She couldn’t resist having a play with it then told him to put it away. In the end she went home without him getting any sex and he was clearly disappointed as he went quiet after that and things fizzled out. 

Of course I was completely on her side and couldn’t believe that he wasn’t pursuing this gorgeous girl. But I imagine he had plenty of girls that he could see who would give him what he wanted. 

Over the following weeks as an eager friendzoned admirer I keenly followed the potential suitors that were chasing her, of course all were Black. 

There were a couple of potentials and she agreed to go on a dinner date with one Black guy that would travel to see her then drive home. He was tall and well built. Not classically good looking, in fact quite intimidating, but well educated and charming. Of course this time I eagerly helped her find a long outfit that was classy but sexy. Again paying for it, something she now almost expected I would do. 

The date was a success as he was very charming and more of a gentleman than the previous date had been. Though there was plenty of kissing as there was a definite attraction between them. He didn’t try to fuck her and drove home that night but his hands had roamed over her beautiful body and hers over his. She told me excitedly how big his hands and feet were and that she had brushed over and squeezed his cock and he felt massive. 

A second date was arranged for the following weekend so an outfit had to be found quickly. This time a tight all in one suit that clung to her like a second skin. The date was a hot one but she was determined that she go home that night after driving to a restaurant near his place. 

She did go to his apartment where they made out for “ages”, hands roaming everywhere before she had managed breathlessly to leave before things went to far. But she had made up her mind that next time she would let him have her. 

With that in mind we chose some hot sexy lingerie she could wear for the date. My dream girl was very open in telling me how excited she was that she was going to have sex and she was sure it would be hot. 

After the next date she had I didn’t hear from her till late the following day. Then she messaged to say she’d just got home, joking that she was sure I’d have lots of questions. I did. A million - and swamped her with them. 

And she openly answered with how she had finally let him fuck her. How huge his cock was. How he’d taken her into the night and then the next day, it was clear she’d had an amazing experience. 

Following that she saw him regularly and they became a couple. I was still keen to be her friend and admirer but she cooled down and eventually her messages stopped. 

I think that while she was single my admiration and involvement was a sexual outlet for her. I think she enjoyed the tease - and the fact that I was buying her things. 

Once she was being satisfied by her Black boyfriend, she didn’t need me. Or maybe it was just that she didn’t want to disrespect her man. But I loved the experience of being friendzoned by her.

Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...