Monday, 30 November 2015

Cuck sighting: Saturday night...

On Saturday night I was invited to have dinner with a friend I know through work. He told me to meet him at a famous Asian cuisine restaurant in the centre of town and when I arrived he was already at the bar with three female friends - two attractive Asian girls and the third a great looking blonde who, of course, immediately caught my attention.

I'll call her "G" - and I guessed her to be in her late 20s. She was very attractive with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was certainly dressed to impress - wearing a black push up bra under a see through top, black shiny wetlook leggings (those things always drive me wild!) and sexy black leather knee length boots. She had a great figure!

Dinner was enjoyable and I was loving talking to G who it soon became clear had a strong and lively personality. After we finished eating we went to the bar upstairs which was now filling up with the Friday night crowd of "beautiful people". A DJ was in the corner pumping out hip hop and the girls were immediately in the groove.

As the drinks flowed, the girls started getting more into the music and G particularly was starting to break away from the conversation to get up and dance - and boy could she move! It was fantastic watching her bump and grind - especially admiring her gorgeous figure in those sexy wetlook leggings - and I had an idea that she knew I was enjoying the show! "Do you like hip hop?" she turned to me and asked as she moved to the beat. "I LOVE it!" I replied! How could I not?!

There was a moment when I thought the evening couldn't get any better: the place was full of hot girls and I had a ring-side seat watching the gorgeous G getting into the pulsing hip hop beats! But then things went up a level: G had mentioned earlier that she might have other friends coming out for the night - and she lit up when one of them arrived.

And what an arrival! Waving and crossing the room to our table came a tall, beautiful, model-esque, strawberry blonde redhead - early 20s - wearing a black logo'd vest style top, black high heels and ultra tiny cut off denim shorts that showcased a breath-taking pair of creamy long legs and framed an absolutely perfectly shaped rear! As G introduced us to this new arrival -"K" - my friend and I looked at each other in that way that only guys know when they see a drop dead gorgeous girl! She was stunning in a Victoria Secret kind of way!

Mesmerised by K, I ordered another round of drinks and we all took our seats around the table - but it soon became clear that the girls, G in particular, were starting to get restless. It was getting close to midnight and G said that she wanted to move on. I asked if she had somewhere in mind and she said yes - and I couldn't tell form her reply whether she wanted us to move on as a group or go our separate ways. I decided the only way to find out was to ask.

It was her reply that immediately made my heart miss a beat: "I'm not sure if it would be your kind of place," she said..."it's full of big Black guys!"

My friend didn't pick up on it - but I of course was immediately all over it. Normally I am too discrete to do this kind of thing, but this was the perfect opportunity: "Oh I see," I said, trying for an innocent smile, "is that what you like?"

"Of course!" she said. Wow!

Trying to sound nonchalant, I turned to K, the redhead. "How about you?" I asked.

"Yes." she smiled. She clearly had no idea what effect her answer was having on me!

Trying to continue my nonchalant act, I said "Well, we could all go along?"

G shook her head. "I don't think it will be your thing." There was no rudeness - but a decision had been made.

My mind was racing, trying to think of how I could safely continue my questioning and find out more. Before I could speak, my friend re-joined the conversation. "I'm not up for it," he said, "I don't fancy being one of the only white guys in a club! I think I'm done for the evening. We can drop you girls off if you want?"

"That would be great, babe!" said G. She was ready to get going!

Minutes later the group of us were in a cab - me, my friend, G the blonde, K the redhead and the two Asian girls. The silent cab driver looked African and had more hip hop beats booming from the speakers. I was trying to come up with a way that I could stay with the girls - but already I knew that they had made the decision that they were going their own separate way. They had closed ranks. They were in the zone and ready to dance.

After a while the cab pulled up. A line of clubbers were waiting for entry to the club - Black guys and an even mix of Black girls and white girls. I could see only one or two white guys in the whole mix. The girls started getting out of the cab. "Thanks for a great night guys!" said G. "I'll see you next week," she said to my friend - then she turned to me and smiled: "Really enjoyed meeting you, babe!" With that, G, K and the other two girls were out of the car.

They made their way straight to a group of four eye-catching, model-esque blondes stood just in front of our cab, two of which had on very short skirts and high heels. I desperately drank in the view: they're legs were long, tanned and silky smooth. The two groups greeted each other like excited friends. Already the cab was pulling off to take me and my mate home for the night. I looked back at the group of stunning girls as they turned and headed into the club. 

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Goddess worshipping: Kelly's candids

One of my ultimate goddesses, the gorgeous Kelly Brook, is no stranger to taking the odd sexy candid photo of her all-natural 34 E figure to put us worshippers in a spin - and today she released another sexy selfie posing in high heels and underwear...

I'll take any excuse to celebrate our Kelly, so here is a little showcase of some of her finest candid moments...

Kelly stats:
Age: 36
Height: 5 foot 7
34 E - 28 - 37

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Goddess worshipping: Wifey

Wifey - a cuckold's dream come true!
If there is one woman I worship and adore - it's Wifey (Sandra) from Wifey's World.

No description really does her justice: a dream woman, the ultimate MILF, the reason nature made white women - you get the idea, I can't go over the top enough! Her Hubby is one lucky, lucky guy! What I would give to change places with him for a week!

But my adoration of this beautiful lady from Oregon isn't just about her beauty, her effortless sexiness (or her full 36 DD breasts) - it's also inspired by her love of Black men which she is quite open about on her site. Although happily married, she talks about her attraction to Black guys in several of her videos and confesses that she has a special "crush" on the legendary Lexington Steele! Check out this clip - click play...

Ladies - if you are looking to see how it's done, look no further than this short clip. It perfectly sums up why this gorgeous lady would be the dream wife - she's effortlessly sexy, stunningly beautiful, provocatively teasing, graciously in control - and she knows how to bring out all the erotic potential of her Black attraction so gracefully.

This lifestlye should be FUN!!!

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Blacked: Gwen Stark

Regular readers will know that my favourite website of all is - the one website that really captures all the glamour of interracial - which is what does it for me and so often gets under-played!

We all know that Blacked feature the most beautiful white girls with the most virile Black studs, a truly explosive combination, to the point where it's almost impossible to list favourites - but today I'm going to give worship to the truly beautiful Gwen Stark...who, like her surname implies, would not look out of place in the cast of Game of Thrones!

I absolutely adore redheads and whenever I see a gorgeous redhead girl out on the street I can't help imagining what she would look like partnered with a big Black guy. What a stunning combination! Now the amazing Gwen has more than helped me fully realise that vision...

How beautiful is the moving image above?! And even better, from the looks of Gwen's Twitter feed, it seems that having been Blacked, this gorgeous young redhead won't be going back...

Monday, 9 November 2015

Cuck sighting: charity dinner

On Saturday night, unexpectedly, I was invited to a gala dinner for a charity which does excellent work in Africa. Initially I wasn't going to go, but now I'm glad I did, because it turned out to be a Girl Worshipper's heaven!

As with all these kinds of events, there are high profile guests, celebrities and VIPs and a large number of absolutely beautiful women dressed in their finest and looking absolutely gorgeous! What was so interesting about Saturday night was that given the fact that it was for a charity focussed on Africa, there were a large number of Black men present and I was really impressed by how many of them were partnered with white women - some of them absolutely knock-out gorgeous!

Luckily I was to end up on a table with one of the best of these couples. When we arrived, the friend who invited me to the event told me who we'd be sat with for dinner and she mentioned a guy called Jabu and his "gorgeous girlfriend". I didn't think much more about it - but boy was I in for a surprise when the couple finally arrived about 20 minutes later!

Jabu was a tall, good looking, dark-skinned African guy - about 6 foot 4, with dreadlocks tied back in a ponytail, wearing a smart dinner jacket. With him was Claudia - and she was one of the most beautiful white women I've ever seen! Claudia must be at least 5 foot 11 or 6 foot tall - and she reminded me (but only faintly) of Liv Tyler. 

She was wearing high heels but as I was introduced to her she was definitely taller than me. I'd say she was in her mid to late 20s, with long medium brown hair and blue eyes. She is one of those incredible women who is tall and slender but at the same time has large breasts and some shape rather than the stick-thin type. She was wearing a short black cocktail dress which probably cost a fortune - and high heels, no tights. As I met her I remember just thinking "WOW!"

Claudia spoke with a strong Eastern European accent so I asked her where she was from and she told me The Czech Republic. It was quickly quite clear that her English was not great and I was careful to focus the conversation on Jabu, not just his girlfriend! He was certainly a powerful presence, and as he stood answering my questions he had his arm around Claudia's waist and she seemed quite happy to let him do the talking.

As we were called in to dinner, I made a point of walking behind Jabu and Claudia - and then I got a clear and prolonged view of her. She was an absolute goddess - her body was absolutely astounding and her legs perfect - long, smooth, flawless skin that glistened in the soft light. As she walked in her heels her perfectly shaped ass swayed from side to side and had me absolutely mesmerised.

Unfortunately I wasn't sat next to Claudia at dinner - but it was a round table and as the dinner went on I found myself constantly glancing at her and drinking in her beauty. She didn't speak much - I wondered how much of the conversation the poor girl actually understood - but she seemed happy. I wondered who she was and what her background must be - maybe a model? Maybe not. I wondered how Jabu had met her - a question I never got to ask. What did emerge during the dinner - and elicited everyone on the table to raise their glass - was that Jabu and Claudia had just found out that Claudia was pregnant. There was certainly no visible sign, but she looked very happy when we toasted her, and after the dinner they both left before I had the chance to talk to them again, leaving all my many questions unfortunately unanswered. 


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...