Saturday, 14 May 2016

Cuck thoughts: making social change POSITIVE...

The interracial dynamic is THE fastest growing social / sexual phenomenon of the modern age. In this article, I'm going to try to give my analysis on what's going on behind the trend!

Let's look at some evidence - different strands, but all related:

Blacked dot com is now THE single most viewed adult website on the net.
Interracial is now THE most popular genre of porn - both among whites and non-whites.
There has been an explosion in interracial dating sites across Europe and America.

Now let's look at some stats:

Let's take the UK as an example. According to official statistics, the UK is witnessing a huge surge in interracial relationships and marriages. New analysis of census figures shows that the number of people in the UK partnered with or married to someone from another ethnic group jumped 45 per cent - yes 45 per cent - to 4.3 million in the last 10 years alone. Experts agree that this trend looks set to accelerate all across Europe with such high levels of immigration and social change.

SO - let's break down the basic positives from all this info:

Firstly, for the Black man:

What a time for the Black man! Anyone watching the media would be forgiven for thinking that Black men now dominate so many aspects of society. With our current cultural, media and social obsession with sport, music and celebrity, Black men have been promoted to the forefront of society and images of strong, handsome and confident Black men are omnipresent on our screens. This trend is only going to increase.

Within a short period of time the Black man has gone from being a second class citizen to now being the role model and aspiration for every white boy, and, more importantly, the ultimate desirable male for countless white women. Look around any European country - the UK, Germany, Sweden, Denmark - many of the most beautiful white women now date Black men and the interracial dynamic is now so prominent that it is virtually expected that a beautiful white female will have a big Black man as her boyfriend or at the very least in her little black book - the London club scene being a perfect example.

In my view, if a good looking Black man ditches the out-dated and limiting ways of gangsta culture - and instead focusses and capitalises on his natural confidence in approaching more white women, he will enjoy a level of success that will come as a very pleasant surprise!

For the white woman:

The white woman is at the very top of the social / sexual pecking order. She has always been the most desirable: her beauty has always been revered in the media and advertising. But now she is in control, who does she choose for a partner?

White men have to some extent been marginalised and even emasculated by the march of women professionally and educationally. We've seen a gradual process of weakening (even feminization?) in Western men, which has suited them by appealing to their intrinsic vanity, playing to an innate laziness and making them forget any instinct to "fight".

There's also a genetic aspect to consider: throughout human history, different groups have warred against each other - and while the males of the defeated group would be killed, the females of the defeated group would be taken captive and allowed to live. Thus the females who were most able to quickly sever ties with their former group and move to their new group were most likely to survive and prosper. That transferral instinct that women have, to naturally transfer from the weaker to the stronger, is just as strong today as it ever was. Combine it with the powerful, natural, innate curiosity and attraction towards that which is "opposite" - and you have more and more white women choosing to partner with Black men.

Finally for the white man:

As a white man with an education, the rise of the Black man is of intellectual interest to me, but I’m also aware of the profound sexual impact it has had on me. I would never class myself as a weak or subservient type - but the increasing presence in my society of powerful Black men has without doubt impacted upon my thinking and approach to everything from the beautiful women I encounter every day right through to my own relationships. Living a traditional, monogamous, vanilla relationship is no longer my goal. Rather I’m looking for a respectful, loving cuckold relationship with a beautiful white female who likes Black men.

I want my partner to have all the best that life can offer. I can offer certain qualities: I'm successful, wealthy, intelligent - and yes, I'm actually rather good in bed! But I know I can’t give the sheer level of sexual excitement that a big Black man can provide. Rather, I can offer support and stability and support my partner in enjoying great sex with Black men, which at the same time takes all of the pressure off of me in this area of our relationship.

To me this all seems natural - but to some others it may seem like a betrayal of manhood or some misplaced sense of ethnic pride. Regardless of who we are, society has designated certain scripts for us to follow – whether they lead to happiness or despair is irrelevant! If you are a man you should do this and if you are a woman you should do that – anything outside of the script then you are an outcast. Are we happy following the scripts? Are they really for our benefit? Really?

Well, society has no scripts for me. Rather I follow my own desires and if they simultaneously satisfy me and my partner without hurting others, then to me that is all for the good. These social changes are happening whether we like it or not. We need to make them work for us. 


  1. Wonderful that you embrace IR and not limit yourself!

  2. It must be truly a great time to be black or a fan of interracial sex! So much to be appreciated!!! Love that white women are free to express themselves sexually finally.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...