Sunday, 10 July 2016

Cuck thoughts: white girls and social media

One of the greatest things I'm seeing on social media now is how white women are using it to express a defence of, attraction to, or preference for - Black men and Black culture in general.

On serious note, whether it's Refugees Welcome in Europe, or Black Lives Matter in America, or bold statements about these terrible killings in the news, white women are helping to lead the agenda. And it's across all the age groups too - not just the young.

I wonder, perhaps slowly, whether white women are starting to realise and embrace the power and thrill of what I call "The Interracial Tease":
  • The use of the term "snow bunny" is everywhere.
  • So are hashtags like #teamblackguys, #interraciallove or #onceyougoblack.
  • Also symbols like the "Queen of Spades". 
  • The "Sorry Ken" meme is being posted on more pages than I can keep up with. 
It's happened fast - and it now seems to have an unstoppable momentum.

One of the things I find sexiest is when a gorgeous white girl makes her preference for Black guys plain and public - and I will aim to celebrate the best of these amazing, beautiful girls on this blog. So for now, let's worship European model Anete...#toogoodforwhiteboys...


  1. This is a wonderful thing

  2. My favorite hashtags for white women's profiles is #blackboyswinning and #saynotowhiteboys

  3. So wonderful that white women are proclaiming there love for BBC!


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...