Saturday, 29 October 2016

Goddess worshipping: Nicky W

Nicky Whelan is the super gorgeous Australian blonde making a name for herself in the US for her acting and her absolutely stunning looks - just check out those beautiful and mesmerising eyes...

And the best thing about this blonde Aussie goddess? Like so many Australian girls (in my experience  to date), she's into Black guys - so much so, she's marrying one. Kerry Rhodes is taking this beauty home tonight...

But for the rest of us worshippers and cucks, there's no need to despair. Gorgeous Nicky has graced the world with some intense interracial scenes in the drama series House of Lies...

I admire any actress who has the balls to do these kinds of scenes - but the chemistry here is absolutely electric - and Nicky's attraction to and ease around Black men comes across so beautifully...


  1. She is beautiful adore her on house of lies

  2. With a smile that big on her face you know she has Black seed leaking out of her:)


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...