Friday, 14 April 2017

Goddess worshipping: Kelly up close and personal

These pics have been doing the rounds on the internet for a while but I just had to post them again to remark upon just how goddam beautiful, divine and goddess-like our very own Kelly Brook is.

I never am sure whether these photos get "leaked" deliberately for publicity or not - but either way I dream of being the one to get to this close. I love this woman - just look at that body - and then imagine being there in that bed...


  1. Such a Goddess! Those perfect white breasts need a pair of strong black hands groping them everyday day, hope she has a black boyfriend:)

    1. Great comment! She HAS had Black boyfriends in the past, but alas I think the current one is Latino...


Goddess Worshipper at X3 2025

Another year flies by and I find myself once again attending the X3 Adult Conference at The Palladium in Hollywood. This year was another el...