Sunday, 23 April 2017

Goddess worshipping: the return of Wifey

As you guys will know, I am slightly in love / obsessed with the gorgeous, unrivalled, all-American blonde super-MILF Wifey. If you don't know her, you've been either living in a cave - or not reading my blog enough!

It was a while back now that Wifey revealed that she has "a thing" for Black guys - firstly with her talking about her attraction to and sexual fantasies about Black porn star Lex Steele - and then with videos appearing on her site of her with life-like Black cock dildos which, for an IR obsessive like me, was like a dream come true!

Now, finally, it seems that Wifey is embracing the Queen of Spades lifestyle for real, with the gradual release of new videos featuring her with some very lucky Black male fans. I emailed Wifey recently to tell her how much I loved her new move into IR and to ask her whether she would be releasing more IR material. She was sweet enough to reply the same day - and the news is very good: there's going to be "a lot more"!

Seeing a beautiful woman like this go Black is surely one of the most beautiful, glamorous and erotic sights on Earth. The connection and chemistry between a beautiful white woman and a Black man is absolutely undeniable and unbeatable.

Thank you Wifey!

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Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...