Monday, 21 August 2017

Cuck thoughts: the Kardashian Decade

OK so I don't watch the show and I'm not a fan, but this Hollywood Reporter cover did make me think about how far the #IRrevolution has come in "The Kardashian Decade".

This is one of the most famous, glamorous and aspirational families in the world - watched, followed and emulated by millions - and ALL of them prefer Black guys. Including Mom.

The Kardashians are the poster girls for taking the IR vibe mainstream. They've made it hot, desireable and aspirational. They've introduced the IR mindset into fashion and music. They've associated it with liberation and empowerment. They've used it to change how girls want to look and act, influencing hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of girls and women. And they've made themselves very very rich in the process...


Friday, 18 August 2017

The Invader

One of my readers has kindly alerted me to powerful and provocative Belgian/French film "The Invader" - which follows the encounters of an African immigrant who arrives in Brussels in search of a better life.

The film is timely and packs a real punch. It's dark, artistic and allegorical, never shying away from controversial themes of immigration, race, gender and sex - or probing deep-seated white insecurities. It would be wonderful if porn would adopt even a fraction of this depth.

The opening scene is one of the most beautiful and powerful scenes I've seen in cinema and shows what kind of a high-quality film maker Nicolas Provost is. In a scene heavy with allegory, a beautiful naked white woman lays sun-bathing on the beach. She awakens and is drawn to the shore, where she watches spellbound as two African immigrants struggle out of the sea.

Most European films about this theme show the immigrants as poor, helpless, desperate people who should be pitied. The Invader is completely different. African immigrant Amadou is a big, powerful, good looking Black man. He uses his confidence and charm with European women who, of course, have never encountered anything quite like him.

The key character among these women is Agnes, a beautiful, well-to-do but deeply unfulfilled woman who is Amadou's prime target, played brilliantly by the beautiful Stefania Rocca. From the moment he first sees Agnes sitting alone in a cafe, Amadou is filled with curiosity and desire. He has no hesitation in following her and approaching her in a scene which simmers with pure sexual electricity.

I won't spoil what happens next - but you can expect a film that is intensely sexy, whilst at the same time dark, provocative and loaded with deeper meanings. The trailer gives a flavour of what to expect. I'd love to see a lot more films like this being made. Highly recommended.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Blacked: Mia Malkova?

With interracial now the dominant genre of porn, it's only a matter of time before all the major adult stars go Black.

In recent weeks we've seen beautiful celebrity porn star Nicole Aniston setting Blacked on fire - in a scene which is surely one of the most powerfully erotic interracial encounters ever produced...

And it looks like next on the list could be the stunning Mia Malkova. There's been a huge campaign on Twitter to encourage Mia into interracial, with many begging her to go to the best of the best first, i.e. Blacked. One bright fan has even mocked up Blacked covers featuring Mia looking absolutely gorgeous and Tweeted them to her...

The good news is that Mia has already worked with Blacked supremo Greg Lansky, so fans believe it's only a matter of time before we see her on Blacked. Memberships will go through the roof! But best news of all, it seems Mia herself is preparing to finally go Black...

One thing's for sure, beautiful Mia has a body built for BBC, so it could be that IR fans won't have long to wait before we see this beauty in the arms of a big Black man...

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Cuck sightings: at the gym...

In my efforts to stay this god-like, I have started attending Equinox gym in the centre of town and I have to say that for a girl worshipper like me, the extra membership costs are worth every single penny!

This seems to be the gym of choice for the city's gorgeous females: girls who could be models, lap dancers, Instagrammers - who knows - frequent this place and there's always plenty of hot flesh on view.

Whether it's long, toned and tanned legs on full display - or #whitegirlsevolving finely shaped rears encased in painted-on lycra booty shorts - or tiny little crop tops struggling to contain barely concealed cleavage - everywhere the eye turns there's something on display that's worthy of worship - in all its expensive designer finery!

Drawn no doubt by the incredible specimens of female divinity who frequent the place, there are also plenty of big Black guys doing the rounds. So far I've counted five different personal trainers who fit this proud alpha category - and numerous different regulars, from the tall basketball player type Black guys - to the dark-skinned, super muscular body builder type Black guys. Maybe it's just me, but the sexual tension in this gym is insane!

Saturday's work out gave me not one - but TWO - incredible sightings that made it an intense pleasure to be there - but extremely hard to concentrate on my workout! And the strangest thing was that these sightings were almost polar opposites of each other...

Sighting one was a young white girl working out with an older Black guy. I'd put the girl in her early 20s - a tall, statuesque, beautiful blonde who looked like she could be a professional tennis player crossed with a Sports Illustrated model.

She was about 5 foot 10, wearing a black baseball cap with her long blonde hair in a ponytail, a cropped black vest with her smooth, flat, toned midriff on full view, and a pair of skin tight shiny lycra leggings that encased the most finely honed ass and long LONG shapely legs you could ever hope to see.  

This girl was being worked out by a Black guy who was probably in his late 40s or even early 50s, around the same height as her or possibly slightly shorter, but with shoulders like a power lifter and a body builder type physique. As soon as I saw this pair, I started obsessing about who they were and what their relationship might be. I watched them as much as I could without gawping, marvelling at this beautiful young blonde and drinking in her gorgeous toned and tanned body and long legs as she followed the work out directions from the older Black guy.

Occasionally he would move her or guide her into the right position as she worked out, placing his hands on her waist or hips. It was only after I'd been covertly watching them for about 20 minutes that it happened: the young blonde completed a set of exercises and the older Black guy put his arm around her waist, pulled her close to him and kissed her. She responded with a big smile and she seemed very delighted to be kissed in this way. The site of this was absolutely insane!

Sighting two was the absolute reverse of sighting one and came a little later in my session. Over the exercise machines I saw an older blonde super-MILF enter the gym with a younger, tall, dark-skinned Black guy.

The lady was tough to age but I'd put her in her 40s and she was clearly one of these "expensive" ladies who's had some work done. Nothing wrong with that - but the full puffed lips and the expanded breasts straining under her crop top kind of gave the game away. She looked like an ex-Playboy model from the 90s who'd taken great care of herself.

She was in excellent shape and there wasn't much left to the imagination. She was wearing super short shorts which pulled up and over the cheeks of her ass - and boy did she have an incredible ass, large and shapely, which she clearly had no hesitation in showing off! She was tanned, in great shape and she radiated a hot confident sexuality.

With her was a tall Black guy in his 20s with dark skin and a shaved head. He was wearing all black gym gear so I couldn't tell whether he was a personal trainer I just hadn't seen before - or a gym member.

As I watched the pair work out, mesmerized by this stunning woman's tanned legs and killer ass, I wondered: who is this woman?! A rich divorcee visitng the gym with her younger Black lover? A married woman enjoying a work out with her Black personal trainer? Or just a woman working out with her gym buddy? Unless I see them again I won't know...  

Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...