Monday, 21 August 2017

Cuck thoughts: the Kardashian Decade

OK so I don't watch the show and I'm not a fan, but this Hollywood Reporter cover did make me think about how far the #IRrevolution has come in "The Kardashian Decade".

This is one of the most famous, glamorous and aspirational families in the world - watched, followed and emulated by millions - and ALL of them prefer Black guys. Including Mom.

The Kardashians are the poster girls for taking the IR vibe mainstream. They've made it hot, desireable and aspirational. They've introduced the IR mindset into fashion and music. They've associated it with liberation and empowerment. They've used it to change how girls want to look and act, influencing hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of girls and women. And they've made themselves very very rich in the process...



  1. So very true and while I might not be a fan, I've certainly benefited from the changes this family has helped ushered in. For that we should all be grateful.

  2. Ok girl worshipper blog fans, cast your vote for which Kardashian is the hottest. The one I would like to worship at her feet the most is Kendall. Sultry face and those long white legs must look incredible when wrapped around her Black lovers.- D

  3. Incredible the change the women of one family have brought about, they've change the sexual appetite of white women for an entire country.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...