Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Goddess worshipping: Demi - single and looking

Gorgeous young Demi is one of the most popular British models on social media and a modern day inspiration to young girls everywhere.

Originally from Birmingham, Demi has had Instagram since she was 16. The busty young Brit found fame after posting a string of saucy selfies showcasing her sublime #whitegirlsevolving figure. She was quick to rack up a huge online following.

She says: “I posed for selfies and pictures and it just grew from like 60,000 to 200,000 to a million to 3.2 million now. In school I was quite popular on MySpace and that kind of followed on to Instagram. It was really weird when guys started recognising me on the street. I just got used to it.”

As a result of her impressive social media presence, Demi soon got snapped up to appear in a number of music videos. She can be spotted in clips with DJ Khaled and Chris Brown, which is probably why she now has so many A-list friends.

Last year, reports revealed that Kylie Jenner's ex Tyga had swept her off her feet after they met at a celebrity party in Cannes...

But more recently, Demi confessed that she is 'happy being single' again, and she has now revealed that she is using a popular everyday dating app to find a new man.

On Sunday, the busty young brunette shared a screenshot of her profile photo on the app - which displayed her eye-popping cleavage for all to see - to confirm to fans her account is 100% genuine.

While she is known for her sizzling social media snaps, Demi shared the screenshot to confirm to followers her profile on was real - after many began to worry someone was pretending to be her on the app.

Now this news is out, I am sure there'll be no shortage of guys racing to download the app and battling to win Demi's attention. Whoever does will be one LUCKY guy!


  1. What a stunning ivory Goddess. She looks so much like a Kardashian and what wonderful irony that both her and Kylie Jenner have had the same BBC inside of them. Too bad Tyga didn't Blacken both their family trees before breaking up with them. Love too the pics of her in the collar sans leash. I'm sure she's on that dating site to look for the right Black man to put her on his leash and lead her throughout her life, whether she be standing upright or crawling on her knees. Of course where white boys are concerned, it is to her they should be kneeling. I'd certainly love nothing more than to lace up those shoes on her feet.-D

    1. Lovely comment. I too considered that she must be on that dating site looking for a Black man - presumably not the kind of beta types that she's probably surrounded by a lot in her professional life. And yes the imagery of lacing up those beautiful shoes is extremely powerful!

    2. her white british dad is a mega cuck daddy !

  2. She should totally hire a whiteboi to lace up her shows everyday and clean her clothes and home, and be employed especially for keeping her undies and bedding always fresh for her Black paramours.-D

  3. i really love the online comments saying that her white british buttocks and thighs are very to big ! it seems some people are going to be very disappointed about the shape of things to come in britain ! especially the shape of young white british women in britain !

    1. There will alwaysbe haters. Esepcially online - the refuge for the cowardly haters! And for every one of them criticising Demi over her look or shape, there are plenty of us who appreciate it and think she is gorgeous! And yes, she is leading the way in terms of how young white British women are evolving and how they want to look!


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