Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Goddess worshipping: Ashley...again!

It looks like the next big public IR romance to sweep the UK is already brewing!

Last summer the entire nation was gripped as the irrepressible attraction played out between fitness instructor Gaby and Marcel on Love Island...

Now it's Celebrity Big Brother which is gearing up to further the #IRrevolution - as millions are watching stunning blonde reality star, model and DJ Ashley James falling for smooth R&B sensation Ginuwine!

It's early days, but the pair have been filmed holding hands secretly and Ginuwine has been caught on camera caressing Ahsley's gorgeous thighs. Lucky guy!

The other housemates quickly picked up on the attraction. At first, when questioned, Ashley insisted she wouldn't do anything with Ginuwine - who is 47 and already has NINE kids - whilst in the house, but the chemistry was clear for all to see when she started joking about being his wife, doing his washing for him and dubbing him 'her man'!

Now the pair have become the butt of a joke told in the house by comedian Dapper Laughs. Dapper performed a stand-up routine in which he mimicked Big Brother, saying: 'Could Ginuwine and Ashley please come to the bathroom. We've re-stocked the condoms.' With the attraction so obvious, it's going to be VERY interesting to see how this one plays out! Watch this space!

Prior to entering Big Brother, Ashley's fame has been steadily growing thanks to her modelling and her DJ-ing. She's a huge fan of hip hop, rap, and r n' b which she exclusively plays on her radio show - and her attraction to Ginuwine shouldn't really come as a surprise, since this gorgeous blonde makes absolutely no secret of her preferences when it comes to men...


  1. Dude this is so awesome! I love Ashley and she has such a sweet look!

  2. One of the most incredible things about the IR Rev is the support of mainstream media. It seems society itself wants to further the IR Rev, is it a plot? Social Engineering? or just so fucking hot it can't be denied? You decide.

    1. I suspect a mix of all of them. Also, history teaches us how societies change when they reach a certain level of decadence. Lots of factors, including inate fundamental attraction...

  3. I agree with the commenter who said forces of social engineering are driving Black men and white women together. In USA when white girls go off to college they dance to Black music, see their sports teams dominated by Black Athletes, and are taught the concept of white privilege, that in turn cultivates an attitude of white guilt. White guilt they are taught can be alleviated by embracing diversity, which many white girls take to mean they should try dating Black men. Also they are inundated with messages from corporate America which routinely promote BM/WF couples in their commercials. As a while male I feel under seige in my society, like I belong to a class of men who are being marginalized and losing in all aspects of the culture war. Yet when I see a beautiful woman like DJ Ashley James in the arms of a Black man, deep inside I find myself feeling like it feels natural to be on the losing side of biology when it comes to types of men competing for her affections. Not just natural to be on the losing side, but even feeling good about being on the losing side. I will certainly be routing for Ashley and Ginuwine to hook up as no ending on that show could feel more natural and visually be more beautiful to behold:) -d

    1. The key difference, that you point out, is to not take the #IRrev personally. I don't see it is a bad thing that's somehow "against" me. I just see lots of gorgeous white girls and women becoming sexually liberated and enjoying lots of hot sex with Black men. As a voyeur nothing turns me on more. So long as women are still attracted to me and willing to have sex with me - and they are - why should I get all upset about the Rev?


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...