Thursday, 8 February 2018

Gotta love QJ!

Music super legend Quincy Jones, now 84, has claimed in an interview that he used to date Ivanka Trump!

He says it all began years ago when fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger told him that Ivanka admired him and was interested in having dinner with him.

Quincy said: "I used to date Ivanka Trump. Yes. Tommy Hilfiger, who was working with my daughter Kidada, said, “Ivanka is into you. She wants to have dinner with you.” I said, “No problem. She’s a fine-ass motherfucker! Let's do it!” 

When pressed for more details, Quincy said of Ivanka: "She had a great body, the most beautiful long legs I ever saw in my life."

Quincy - let's hope you are telling the truth and got to enjoy every inch of them. If so, YOU are the man!

1 comment:

  1. I so hope he got his big Black cock up inside Ivanka, she is a Goddess regardless what one thinks of her Dad. If it happened she should go public about it, it would probably help her Dad's approval ratings lol.


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