Sunday, 25 February 2018

Goddess worshipping: Zienna

Zienna Sonne is a young Danish SB with an almost implausibly Barbie-esque figure. She's 5 foot 8 and 36 - 23- 36. But don't judge a book by its cover: Zienna might look like an untouchable teenage boy's fantasy with those big breasts and long legs - but she's actually ALL natural - and simply the product of those incredible Scandinavian genetics!

Zienna says: "I don't have any "workout secrets", I don't wear corsets or waist trainers. This is just the shape of my torso. I've also had countless comments saying I have breast implants. I don't have any implants either. I have always said I am 100% natural and never had any surgery what so ever. So here's to all the idiots telling ME I am lying about my looks, telling me it is impossible to look the way I do. It is not! Here you see it - I am in fact ALL NATURAL and PROUD!"


Whilst it's a sad fact of our impersonal social media world that a busty beauty like Sienna gets criticism from jealous idiots about her stunning natural good looks, it certainly seems like she's not worried in the least. 

The blonde beauty is happily married to Chaun, a Black male model: he's rippling with muscle and the two of them make an absolutely stunning couple who couldn't look happier together - or better suited! 

Between them, this glamorous interracial power couple have hundreds of thousands of followers - making them a perfect poster pair for the #IRrevolution! 


  1. Zienna Even embodies the ultimate form of femininity and it is wonderful that such a drop dead gorgeous White Woman is married to a Black Man. The world is changing and instead of being jealous and bitter white males, we can admire the beauty of such lovely pairings and celebrate their union.

    1. An excellent comment, GIL! Let's have an end to petty jealousy and an acceptance and celebration of these gorgeous and sexy Black M / white f pairings and their huge increase!

  2. This is so beautiful to me. They look amazing together.

  3. Wow, this couple should win an award for sexiest couple on the planet! First Christina Mikkelsen and now Zienna, I wonder if it makes Danish white males feel sad to see all their sexiest blonde supermodels being sexually claimed by Black men? -d

    1. I suspect many of them feel the exact same way we do about it!

  4. I suspect the older generation of white males in Denmark do not like seeing they're young gorgeous blondes going Black, but suspect the millennial generation of white males see it is normal. And I predict that the next generation of white Danish males will view seeing their white supermodels being sexually claimed by Black men as not just socially acceptable, but socially expected. -d ( like the Kardashian women I suppose)

    1. Quite right. The #IRrevolution is being driven by all three participant groups: white women, Black men - AND white boys.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...