Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Hero worshipping: The Chocolate Men

There is a new group of Black men touring Great Britain and beyond, bringing new, immeasurable and long-awaited pleasure to women and girls the length and breadth of the land. Those men are...The Chocolate Men!

I've often imagined the life of a male stripper to be something like the life of a rock star at the top of their fame. Constantly on tour, delivering intense performances and being screamed at and worshipped by hordes of adoring female fans, all of them only too desperate to get some private time once the show is over!

So it is for The Chocolate Men - a crew of buff, handsome, super-alpha Black male strippers showing off their extraordinary physiques, handing out XL size condoms by the bucket-load - and playing packed shows to ever growing crowds of women and girls who quite simply ADORE them! These men are enjoying every boy's dream life - with women lining up to meet them for a selfie...or more! A lot more!

For the ladies, The Chocolate Men offer the allure of outrageous, sexually charged performances showcasing the intense attraction and power of alpha Black men. There won't be a dry pair of panties in the house! It seems that the strip club is no longer the domain of the lurker male!

So readers, next time your girlfriend or wife says she's having a night out with the girls, be afraid. Be VERY afraid! The Chocolate Men are cumming...


  1. Love the subtle whiteboy hazing in the last photo lol.-d

  2. Damn it! That black man in the sixth photo has a great body, he really is an alpha. We need this chocolate men to go around the world and that all women can enjoy it
    I watched some videos and they really show the power of alpha Black men

  3. It's a really hot concept and I love how it normalizes the superiority of Black Kings. It would be hot if they did "Cuckold Nights", where women can get in free if they bring their white husband/bf along (and he pays for his ticket of course).


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...