Friday, 15 June 2018

Cuck thoughts: Why Men and Women Cheat

Adapted from "Infidelity: Why Men And Women Cheat", by Kenneth Paul Rosenberg MD:

"Today a cheater is more likely than ever before to be female. There’s a good chance that she will be a higher earner, aged between 35 and 55. Strange as it sounds, it’s quite possible today’s adulterer is happily married. 

In recent surveys, more than half of cheating women say they are perfectly content with their long-term relationships — but cheat anyway.

More and more women are cheating...

In simple terms, we become more likely to cheat if we are given the opportunity — and modern life is giving us more and more opportunity. Seismic sexual shifts in society are remodelling the landscape of infidelity.

Even a few decades ago, women cheated only half as often as men. One highly respected study reveals that while the number of married men who have ever cheated remained stable at around 20 per cent from 1993 through to 2016, among women of all ages there is a definite upward trend.

In 1993, just 10 per cent of women admitted to cheating. Now, the figure is 19.4 per cent — roughly a 50 per cent increase. A different poll suggests women have virtually caught up with men, with 20 per cent cheating.

The most likely cause of this startling increase in infidelity among women is their long overdue economic and social emancipation — which provides more opportunities to cheat in the workplace and means women have become less reliant on men for financial support. And women no longer face the stigma that once surrounded adultery.

Surprisingly, well-paid and highly educated women are significantly more likely to cheat. Research confirms that’s especially true for university-educated women and those who earn more than £55,000 — particularly if that’s more than their husband’s salary.

University-educated women are also the most likely group to instigate divorce, suggesting they feel more empowered to leave a marriage whether or not cheating has occurred.

And the trend for women to have more affairs seems only to be growing among the younger generation. Research into the sexual activity of millennials suggests that since 2011, younger women have been cheating at rates higher than men. They are also more likely to emulate typically ‘male’ behaviour, focusing on physical arousal, rather than the more typically ‘female’ desire for emotional connection.

There’s a basic rule of cheating, which is that the easier it is to do, the more likely we will do it. Many factors — financial independence, physical health, lack of social stigma and so on — are making affairs easier than ever, with fewer consequences if we are caught.

And there’s another powerful modern tool for a potential cheater: the internet, which has revolutionised the ease of forming sexual connections outside of marriage. Infidelity isn’t confined to secret rendezvous in hotels any longer. Today’s philanderer can be sharing a meal with their spouse while sending texts to their lover.

Without exception, all of my unfaithful patients have used the internet to meet new lovers. And since women tend to be more adept on social media — U.S. research shows 76 per cent use it, compared with 62 per cent of men — it’s a path to infidelity with which they are perhaps more likely to feel comfortable.

The internet has revolutionised the world of sex...

For those feeling dissatisfied or simply a bit bored in their current relationship, it’s all too easy for an online connection to develop into an  affair that activates the powerful desire centres in our brains.

What drives people to cheat hasn’t changed down the generations — it’s a combination of biology and opportunity. After all, our brains are programmed by millions of years of evolution to seek sex and love with life-and-death desperation — and it’s not just faithful sex in a long-term relationship that we crave.

Genetic diversity is good for the human species, making us taller, healthier and smarter. So our brains have evolved to prompt us to chase new and different sexual partners, instead of the ‘safe’ people we seek out when it comes to marriage. One study even found that women married to men who shared similar genes had more affairs.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Goddess worshipping: Bachelorette Becca

Star of this season's Bachelorette is the stunning Becca Kufrin, a tall, gorgeous, long-legged, 28 year old blue-eyed brunette fromMinnesota who works in public relations.

I'm no expert in American reality TV, but the gossip from across The Pond is that Becca could be the most exciting Bachelorette yet, due to certain characteristics that are not going unnoticed by the girls who follow the show...

Oh those Minnesota girls! Yes, gorgeous Becca seems to feel very comfortable with her Black men, with a supremely confident gentleman named Lincoln winning her attention early on...

Lincoln seemed to be building his position nicely...

Or at least he was, until a gentleman named Jean came along...

And delivered what can only be called a "panty melting" kiss...

Becca with Jean: "Oh wow, that kiss felt like fireworks!"

Lucky guy! Whatever the result (and frankly, who cares?! lol), The Bachelorette is a show watched by millions of (mostly female) viewers - and it's cock-twitchingly exciting to see TV starting to mirror real life, where #teamblackguys are winning when it comes to gorgeous white goddesses like Becca...

#toogoodforwhiteboys #lookbutdonttouch

Monday, 11 June 2018

Goddess worshipping: Elizabeth

One of the most thrilling - yet under-recognised models - I've followed in recent years is Elizabeth Ostrander, Playboy's Playmate of the Month for December 2014. Fellow worshippers, if you're looking for a statuesque redhead for all your most intense interracial fantasies, look no further!

Miss O is a tall, slim, long-legged natural redhead from Florida, with pale skin, blue eyes, lots of lovely freckles, a truly adorable ever-smooth pussy, and big natural D-cup tits with pink puffy nipples! She looks like she would taste of strawberrys!

Elizabeth would have been ideal for the catwalk, but canny old Hugh Hefner snapped the tall beauty up for Playboy - and produced some of the best redhead glamour shots I've ever seen.
What a shame her got there before BLACKED...oh what could have been! I'll stop crying...

This man is lucky.

Why can't this be a BLACKED debut? LOL

These days, Elizabeth leads a quieter life as a trophy wife, keeping her loyal fans delighted via her social media. 

We can but daydream, but let's hope there are a lot of big Black guys in Florida keeping their eyes open for sensational trophy wives!

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Goddess worshipping: Bailey

Bailey B is a super-perky young blue-eyed blonde who has recently delighted us IR obsessives with two incredible scenes for the Blacked label.

Her first scene for Blacked is mind-blowing. I unreservedly confess that I am a perv, but in this scene I'm imagining Bailey as my sassy daughter, back from college for the summer vacation. 

Either she's glued to her phone, or in her bedroom with the door shut and the R n' B playing loud, or I get a brief glimpse of her as she heads back outside to lounge by the pool...

Goodness knows what she's up to while I'm away at work...!

In her scene for Blacked Raw, Bailey has an argument with her idiot boyfriend, who drives off in the kind of huff only associated with insecure white boys! Waiting in the shadows is smooth criminal Jason Luv, a Black man who is not going to miss out on an opportunity as good as this! Sweet revenge soon evolves into a long, hot night of glamorous interracial sex...

Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...