Monday, 22 April 2019

Goddess worshipping: the workout

There's nothing quite like the combination of a gorgeous young white girl and some hip hop beats. Throw in a work out, one of the tightest bodies you've ever seen, tiny little spandex shorts - and just the right amount of "I'm posting this video knowing that all you cuck boys are going to be drooling" attitude - and girls, you've got an instant hit on your hands!

Worshippers and cucks - please pay special attention to the jiggle and sway as you watch, re-watch, and dream about this new generation of young white goddesses getting themselves in perfect shape for...! #whitegirlsevolving #lookbutdonttouch

(Click to view larger versions - volume warning)




Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Goddess worshipping: Niykee

There is nothing more cock-twitchingly mind-bending for us worshippers and cucks than when an empowered white goddess makes a bold public statement of her preference for Black guys.

The latest lady to do so is the impossibly sexy Niykee Heaton, who dropped this mind-blowing statement on Twitter today...

Niykee is a young 5 ft 8 goddess from Chicago who has found fame via her Youtube channel, on which she's uploaded numerous covers of her favourite rap and hip hop songs. 

She's another perfect example of the new generation of boss white girls who preference Black culture - the music, the fashion, the sexy hairstyles, the mind-blowing body shape.. 

Not only does Niykee have that perfect #whitegirlsevolving body shape, she's got that super sexual  Black culture confidence to show it off in all its perfection. 

It's the kind of look that says #toogoodforwhiteboys loud and proud: that will have the unevolved white boys all twisted up with jealousy and longing - while those of us who are happily resigned, will be completely intoxicated by her breath-taking beauty...

Your homework, should you choose to accept it, is to watch this, my favourite Niykee video so far. This is not a video to be watched once or flicked through, fellow worshippers. This is a video to be studied, slowed down, freeze framed, examined - until true devotion is achieved. Comment below.

Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...