Monday, 22 April 2019

Goddess worshipping: the workout

There's nothing quite like the combination of a gorgeous young white girl and some hip hop beats. Throw in a work out, one of the tightest bodies you've ever seen, tiny little spandex shorts - and just the right amount of "I'm posting this video knowing that all you cuck boys are going to be drooling" attitude - and girls, you've got an instant hit on your hands!

Worshippers and cucks - please pay special attention to the jiggle and sway as you watch, re-watch, and dream about this new generation of young white goddesses getting themselves in perfect shape for...! #whitegirlsevolving #lookbutdonttouch

(Click to view larger versions - volume warning)





  1. Watching those videos two thoughts came to mind. One, being that it would be a waste of her amazing body for her to date anything other than a Black man. The other, as a white boy I would be excited beyond belief to have the chance to do her laundry and smell her amazing fragrances on her clothes after she worked out:)-d

    1. Great comment. I completely agree about watching her. It's enough of a pleasure in itself. She has a beautiful body and I too am at the point now where my first thought when I see girls like her is not about being with her myself - but imagining her appearing on!


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...