Sunday, 16 June 2019

Goddess worshipping Mia...again!

Mia at the Greg Lansky offices for her Vixen crowning
Readers will know that Blacked starlet Mia Melano is pretty much my dream girl, reminding me, as she does, so much of my great high school crush - a girl who funnily enough was called Melanie!

Now, at the tender age of just 18, Mia has been honored by being crowned a Vixen Angel.

Mia remembers emailing Greg Lansky last summer to see if he would consider helping her make her porn debut. 
“I contacted Greg because I loved his work with Vixen and Blacked,” she says. “Then we just hit it off and got the ball rolling and I’ve just been very fortunate and very honored to work with him. It’s been such a great experience.”

The 18-year-old, 5 foot 11 tall, Seattle girl has been exclusive to Lansky’s Vixen Media Group from her first day in adult and achieved one of her life goals when she was crowned Vixen Angel.

“She actually applied to Vixen herself,” Lansky says. “We didn’t recruit her. She wanted to be a Vixen Angel. We’re very picky about who we let into the family, but we started interviewing her and we saw her potential and we decided to make a deal with her.”

 Mia being crowned Vixen Angel

Melano made her porn debut last August in a scene for Vixen - and then she appeared on sister sites BLACKED and BLACKED RAW - in what I personally think are two of the most beautiful and erotic scenes of the interracial genre to be filmed yet.

Mia's BLACKED debut

Mia's BLACKED RAW debut

Mia says she never pictured herself doing porn until she saw Greg Lansky’s work. “I just remember seeing Blacked and it was such high quality. It was just very different from everyone else, from the other content that’s out there. I was just so impressed. Before I never considered porn, but when I saw that I thought, OK, this is really changing the game up. So I just kind of wanted to see if I could get my foot in.”

Melano worked as a waitress at a fine dining restaurant in Seattle before porn, saying “I was pretty innocent before this.” She describes herself as the “shy, quiet girl” in high school. “I guess I was kind of popular but no one really knew me,” she says.

Her debut scenes for Lansky were nerve-wracking at first. “Oh boy, was I nervous! I was so close to tears—not because it was a bad experience—but because I was so overwhelmed. But it turned out very well. The guys I was working with were amazing and just kind of coached me through every scene and everyone was so understanding and nice. It was a good experience.”

Greg Lansky says that Mia has “a unique look” that caught his attention from the start. "She is so tall and even though she had a reserved personality, I could see the potential long term,” Lansky said. “That’s what I do with every girl I invest time and energy in. I don’t look at them the way they are now, I look at their potential and what they can become.”

He said what shines through in Melano’s performances is that she’s “young and genuine.” “And that’s what people are looking for,” Lansky says. “She asked me at first, ‘How should I perform? What should I do?' I said to her, ‘Just be yourself. Let your natural style come out and express yourself.’”

Not only is Mia absolutely beautiful to watch in her scenes, but her story is one of a new generation of young girls who are increasingly open to trying porn and seeing it as a pathway to real money, fame and success. 

As the cuck that I am, I personally hope that Mia inspires a whole new legion of gorgeous young white girls to try interracial. Let's hope we'll be seeing them on BLACKED soon, confirming the site as the NEW Playboy!

Age: 18
Born: Washington 
Ethnicity: caucasian
Height: 5 foot 11
Stats: 32E - 24 - 36
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue 
Pubic hair: shaved


  1. Mia is pretty much the epitome of what this blog is about. One can only hope that girls in the future will follow her example. She's definitely a stunner!

    1. Thank you - so glad you get the vibe of the blog! Please keep reading / commenting!

    2. I hope for it daily.

  2. An outstanding tribute post for this true #whitefemalerolemodel! I especially loved the playmate data sheet you did at the end. Please do more posts like this:)-d

    1. Thank you and great to get this feedback! I will definitely take your steer and start including playmate style data on these goddesses!

    2. Please keep this blog up, so many girls need to go black, we have to help them.

  3. She is definitely the future, and what a bright future it is.


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