Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Cuck thoughts: Love Island - advert for IR!

While BLACKED has brought the beauty, glamour and intensity of Black male / white female sexual partnerships to millions of computer and mobile screens, reality TV show "Love Island" has brought IR to millions of TV screens.

Love Island is Britain's number one TV show - and it offers a constant stream of breath-takingly gorgeous girls and a variety of handsome guys all vying for their affections in sunny surroundings.

But it's so much more than that. Love Island has been a nightly prime-time advertisement for IR beamed into millions of homes - and it's the Black male / white female pairings that have stood out a mile and really captured the imaginations of the British public, from Ovie and India, to Megan and Wes, to Gabby and Marcel.

Love Island is the perfect advert for the aspirational glamour of IR (the aspect of IR that I love most and that I keep banging on about on this blog!)

For the millions of young girls who are fans of the show - and probably many of its more "MILF-y" viewers too - it's showing them the glamorous way of the future! For the young guys watching - it's a more gentle indoctrination in to the cock-twitching pleasures of being a #pussyfreewhiteboy - probably healthier than the intense IR porn that is dominating the internet...

The star of the latest season in Britain - at least for me - was the stunning 5 foot 11 supermodel Arabella Chi, who, with her long tan legs, is the literal embodiment of the hashtag #toogoodforwhiteboys.

And guess what? After Love Island, yes...Arabella is now dating a Black guy!


  1. I think we are on the cusp of IR becoming the norm while WW/WM pairings become less common. A majority of my wife’s white female friends have black boyfriends or husbands. Eventually, the entertainment industry will concede that IR couples more the most popular with the public, and it will be expected that the lead role will be a black man and the female lead will be a white woman. Even white guys are coming to the realization that they like it when white women go black.

    1. One of the best comments I've had in a while - thank you! I agree with every word. Having had a wonderful time in my teens and twenties I would LOVE it for Black male / white female pairings to become the norm - and I'm hoping we see a lot more of it in movies, TV and music!

    2. Well it just so happens that a few days after I posted my comment that Taylor Swift’s latested music video, « Lover » features her in a romantic relationship with a black man, this will definitely signal to young white women that desiring to be with a black man is normal and preferable.

  2. Arabella looks like a supermodel, she´s got curves, but not to the same extent as India Reynolds, who´s figure is a lot curvier, and thus one would expect her to get a lot of attention amongst us black men. Arabella on the other hand, her beauty is more or less universal (in the sense that she´s highly attractive to ALL men), which makes the fact that she´s dating a black man all the more powerful. Times are a changin' indeed!


    1. Yes they are! Great analysis of these two beauties and wonderful news that they are both dating Black men. Progress!

  3. What always strikes me is the degree with which the british media establishment pushes the IR agenda down the throat of it's viewers and how little (if any) pushback there seems to be. In the US for instance race and interracial relationships are a hot topic even if the taboo is vaining. Not so in this case.

    Britain is ahead the rest of the world by a country mile but I think that which is going on in the UK will spread to places like the Netherlands, Germany and the Nordic countries.

    There is clearly an agenda behind the push for more mixed relationships and IR into the mainstream. But somehow I cant help but feel that the public is just getting what they want.

    1. Great post! I agree on all your points. It does feel like an agenda for sure - but one which is well-intentioned. But it's also the result of our culture and demographics and the changing focus of society and what is seen as desireable. I made a decison long ago to stop fretting about it and start enjoying it!

  4. UK are so lucky to have this tv shows, I can't imagine how many white woman has change their view or left the fear what people will say about dating black men but with this type of show white woman has be empowered.
    Tv show like this is making that dating Black men has become by far the most common and trendy dating trend in those places.


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