Thursday, 29 August 2019

Goddess worshipping: Taylor's Lover

For along time, Taylor Swift has been a fan favourite on the white female / Black male themed web forums.

It's not surprising. She's 5 foot 10 of long-legged, blonde beauty - an impossible fantasy who any worshipper or cuck is immediately going to imagine in the embrace of a powerful, dark-skinned, alpha Black man as IR takes over!

That's even more the case now that Taylor seems to be thickening out a little and devloping some really sassy #toogoodforwhiteboys style curves! Wow, those thighs...😮

Finally, after months of all the speculating and fantasizing, Taylor has released a music video which has real, major significance for the #IRrevolution.

In it, for the first time ever, the tall blonde superstar has chosen a Black man as her romantic lead - tattooed rapper and dancer Christian Owens. And as you'd expect, they look sensational together and the video has exploded!

The video itself can only be described as an intimate portrayal of a deeply connected traditional male/female relationship: handsome husband and adoring wife. It echoes the kind of 1950s style relationship that these days would be widely denigrated if the woman was partnered with a white man. But partner her with a Black man - and the dynamic feels natural and beautiful and will be widely celebrated by all.

This video has already been viewed by 30 million people on Youtube alone, pumping out the message that it is not only acceptable, it is indeed desireable to partner with a Black guy as the way to the ultimate relationship.

Now imagine how many of those views will be young white girls and even white women of all ages. The #IRrevolution shows no signs of slowing down! Find a way to love it.


  1. This is a video of immense importance. Swift is one of the world's greatest singers with a massive fanbase. Big changes happen as we speak

    We can only but watch and enjoy.

  2. It is becoming self evident that the preferred option is for white women to be paired with black man—in entertainment and in real life. There is nothing we can do to stop it, but simply enjoy the beauty of the white woman being where she belongs—in the arms of her black lover.

  3. I'm old enought to remember back in 2016-2017 when the alt-right shitlords/trolls tried to make Taylor Swift a poster girl for their cause. I guess that did not pan out as planed.

    Obviously Taylor is still an "Aryan avatar" but arguebly not in the way they imagened.

    1. I have longed for her to “go black” for years and now it’s finally happened. WF/BM pairings were a novelty in media, but now they’re becoming increasingly commonplace to the point of being expected. The reign of the white male is over and the black man, with the white woman by his side will take over from here.

  4. A Taylor Swift video means this will probably get seen by 80% of young white girls. This is incredible really! First a Swift video, then shortly after a membership to


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...