men evolved in a very hot climate with abundant natural resources which led to
an extremely dangerous, chaotic and competitive environment for men to
breed. The only law was the law of the jungle; life was fast, brutal and
revolved around the ancient rule of winner-takes-all. On the other hand, there
were also few restrictions on the sexual freedom of African women so they
invariably sought to mate with the strongest man.
process selected genetically for a rapidly-maturing race of men with higher
testosterone, elevated physical dominance, lower inhibitions, more muscle,
denser bones, deeper voices, greater potency, maximised stamina and lest we
forget…the most pronounced genitalia, making African men the most virile and
primally masculine.
we look to Africa’s polar opposite in the North, European women evolved in an
extremely cold climate with less natural resources; an intensely gruelling
ecology which compelled European men to co-operate and build an artificial
environment suppressing nature’s chaotic brutality. These societies were characterised
by rigid social codes, such as chastity before marriage, lifelong monogamy for
both sexes, as well as reduced male competition.
restricting the sexual freedom of European women, curbing male competition and
building a much safer environment under patriarchy, primal masculinity became
less necessary for a European man to secure a mate and pass on his genes.
European men exerted greater selective genetic pressure over their females
which created a race of women with exquisite feminine traits: softer bones,
gentler voices and natural submissiveness. No race of women stands as a greater
incarnate of pure, ethereal femininity than the European woman.
a great historical irony but in the end, the civilisation that European men
built brought tens of millions of virile African men into close proximity with
his women, endowed them with equal rights to procreation, and the opportunity
to broadcast their genetic superiority, displaying evidence of it around the
world through the avenues of sports, music, entertainment and most notably of
all, pornography.
Europe was alone without Africa, its men were secure in their masculinity due
to lack of competition. The opposite of a white woman was a white man, the yin
to her yang. However, the opening of Europe’s legs to Africa and the subsequent
racial integration through liberal, progressive thinking has successfully
discarded the “white male/white female” sexual polarity.
a consequence, European males have found themselves caught in the awkward
position of feeling anger about their new competitors while also secretly
harbouring intense erotic fantasies of the new sexual stereotype rocking
Europe; the image of phenomenally well-endowed African studs with their women,
both on their computer screens and in the real world. Their women who,
meanwhile, fawn over their new African idols who continually manage to
out-compete even the best men of Europe in all fields primal.
time passed, European men found themselves replaced by African men as the icons
of masculinity in the minds of European women, who abandoned their flaccid,
boring, pink and passionless white partners en masse and liberated themselves
through forbidden, passionate and intense
sex with black men.
apex of femininity post-integration remains white but the newer idols of
masculinity are undeniably black, leaving white men increasingly out of the
picture as a kind of confused, frustrated third sex; an increasingly idle,
impotent, androgynous spectator fenced in between real masculinity and
authentic femininity.
poetic truth that the most virile men of any race in this world are African men
and the most feminine women are European. Setting aside all of the
socio-cultural antecedents discussed, sexual polarity is greatest between black
men and white women. Their union functions as a basis for attraction as never
experienced before in evolutionary history. Hence the susceptibility of white
women to “Jungle Fever”. A sexual addiction characterised by insane lust, ecstatic
delirium and hyper-feminine worship of raw, black masculinity.
of both sexes will soon become totally enamoured with African superiority. A
sterile, ageing, receding Europe will be gifted fertility once again by the
growing demographic power of Africa. Tens of millions of fertile white women
will use their wombs to produce the new children of Eurafrica who will
irreversibly change the currently feminized white man’s continent.
core of a true woman’s being implores surrender to dark masculine strength; to
let go, submit totally and admit to herself the deepest bodily and spiritual
fulfilment. This Africanization of Europe signals the inevitable destruction of
a decadent, weary, emasculated Western civilisation and a return to the primal
thrill and barbaric carnality of the jungle: masculine black fire melting
feminine white ice in billions of convulsive, full-body, earth-shattering
It’s unfortunate that Tumblr has cracked down on erotic content. There was a treasure trove of mind blowing writings regarding the African conquest of the wombs of white women. We as white bois can either fight against it or simply revel in the beauty of white female and black male pairings. I get a vicarious thrill whenever I see depictions of WF/BM couples in the media or in real life.
ReplyDeleteI loved this well articulated,factually well supported post. As a white male i do feel trapped between the bookends of Black Alpha male masculinity on the one side, and the white women who reign at the highest end of authentic femininity on the other (due to their having the finest, feminine features and most submissive of dispositions, towards true alpha men anyway). I literally feel like I exist in a sexual neutral zone that exists between them, deemed unwanted and unnecessary by both. A beautiful white woman would want a husband like me only out of liking my personality, my finances, and desires to have a husband who will be submissive to her will. I think cuckolding will become the new norm for white married couples in future generations, as their numbers continue to decline as family units as well.I do think more and more Black women will begin taking white beta males as husbands out of wanting submissive providers who fit well with their own amazing natural beauty and strength-d
ReplyDeleteI agree and I am all for it! I find it very exciting and intensely erotic!