Saturday, 29 February 2020

Cuck thoughts: Love Island UK

I've posted a lot about how Love Island has not only taken white female / Black male interracial mainstream in the UK, but has also helped to turn it into the most aspirational form of relationship for new generations and millions of TV viewers across Britain.

Every series features absolutely gorgeous girls, many of them pairing up with Black guys both on the show and in the celebrity glow they all enjoy after the series is done.

As I've posted, this series was no different, featuring gorgeous, blonde, #toogoodforwhiteboys twins Eve and Jess...with those absolutely killler bodies!

I was gutted when the gorgeous Eve was unfairly voted off the show, but my despair quickly turned to delight when I realised that she was going to use her freedom to watch the show and champion her twin sister Jess - who quickly partnered up with muscular Black hunk Ched - the stand-out alpha male of the season.

Eve's commentary kept the nation hooked on her sister's burgeoning interracial romance - which culminated in the glamorous couple consumating their love affair in the infamous "Hideaway" - a night were Jess looked just cock-twitchingly out of our league...

As the series drew to a close, Eve continued to drum up support for her sister across social media, resulting in the stunning couple coming third place...

With this season now over, and both sisters free to capitalize on their new-found fame, I am hoping that both of them will continue to be huge interracial inspirations for the whole country - both Eve, who's been stepping out with Biggs...

...and gorgeous Jess with her new man Ched....


  1. "a night were Jess looked just cock-twitchingly out of our league..." - they just rub our whiteboi noses in it. I feel so inadequate in comparison. At least I can have a pity wank.

  2. Holy CRAP! That "hideaway" scene is so mind-blowingly hot! Jess looks literally jaw-dropping in that lingerie and I don't think there's a doubt in anyone's mind that she wants to turn on her man and get fucked! Love Island in general and that scene in particular is like a romantic softcore porn (which women love and is undoubtedly why Love Island is so popular) and it's beamed into millions of homes across the UK on TV! I also can't help but notice the subtle similarities between that "hideaway" scene and the beginning of a Blacked scene. I wonder how many British women and girls squeezed their thighs together and wet their panties watching it? Crazy to think about!

    It's pointless to even consider the possibility of stopping the incredible interracial revolution when you see things like this. It's rumbling onwards like a freight train and there's nothing at all we white guys can do to stop it, so we might as well just give in and enjoy the show!

    I was also really happy to see (while doing more research on this episode) that not one but TWO WF-BM interracial couples made it to the final of this season! Wow! Siannise Fudge and Luke Trotman. She's another fair-skinned absolute beauty and it's awesome to see how popular these types of couples are becoming on Love Island (and hopefully, as a result, throughout the rest of the UK as well!)

    1. I agree with every word! In fact, this comment is SO good, I am going to post it! Thank you!


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...