Monday, 15 February 2021

Goddess worshipping: Iskra

I've posted about Iskra before - the beautiful blonde British model celebrated across the media for her righteous championing of the fuller figure in modelling and, of course, her now-famous interracial relationships. We all followed in awe the evolution of her fairytale love affair with Philip Payne and her subsequent pregnancy - an incredible example to her legions of young female fans...

Post-baby, it seems that Iskra is happier than ever and living her best life - a shining icon of how our culture is truly evolving...

Saturday, 6 February 2021

Cuck sighting: The Alpha couple and the blonde Amazon

Every day, wherever I go, I am seeing more and more beautiful white women who have chosen to partner with Black men. 

As someone who’s been mesmerized by the interracial dynamic since my early 20s, I still can’t find the words to adequately express all the intense feelings it brings out in me. That absolutely dizzying mix of admiration, unrequited desire, denial and jealousy only seems to get more and more intense as time goes by. 

My most recent sighting was quite mind-blowing. I had arranged to have a Covid-safe dinner meeting with two female friends whom I know professionally, both attractive women who both fall into that ever-expanding army of alpha women who have trouble finding a “good man”. 

As the three of us were seated at our table in the outside dining area, a traffic-stopping Black male / white female couple walked up to join the line for entry. Naturally, they caught my eye immediately, as well as the attention of my two female friends - and I have no doubt the attention of the entire outdoor seating area.

Normally I would have attempted to disguise my desperate desire to stare and drink in every moment of observing this exceptional couple. But luckily for me, this time my female friends were almost as mesmerized as me, making comments like “What a stunning couple!” and “Oh my, isn’t she stunning!” giving me absolute freedom to stare and politely agree with them both. 

The first thing to say about this couple is just how ALPHA they were. The guy must have been at least 6 foot 5, with dark Black skin and short length spiked up dreaded hair. He was wearing a red leather jacket, black jeans and a black vest top exposing the kind of naturally ripped physique that only Black guys like that boast naturally. He looked like a pro basketball player at the top of his game. 

The girl was early 20s, at least 6 foot or 6 foot 1 tall – and she had no extra height from the light-weight white plimsolls she was wearing that had no sole at all. She had long, straight, flowing, shiny blonde hair – and even though she was wearing a face mask, it was clear that underneath it she must be absolutely gorgeous. 

She was of intimidatingly Amazonian proportions – “thick” as they define it now – a large build but with everything perfectly tight and totally together and in proportion. She was wearing a white crop top that made no attempt to disguise her large, full, all-natural breasts as they hung freely and heavily - and her exposed taut stomach, soft but toned, with its perfect diamond piercing. 

Her outfit was completely by blue jean shorts that showed off her equally thick but toned thighs and calves and a breath-taking #whitegirlsevolving ass that curved outwards in a way that suggested it had been honed to perfection by many hours of Kardashian style exercise. Her skin was creamy white smooth and literally shimmered in the light. I could not take my eyes off her. 

“She’s like an Amazon!” my friend said – as we watched the couple waiting in line. The chemistry between them was absolutely undeniable. The way they looked at each other, whispered to each other, touched each other constantly. This was the interracial dynamic of alpha Black and alpha white in full effect. I couldn’t help but wonder if my female friends were as envious as me – but for very different reasons!

I saw the couple again once they were seated to dine. The girl had taken off her face mask and I was not disappointed: she was just stunning and flawlessly made up, with big blue eyes and gorgeous full lips. I also got a view which made my night: of her beautiful full rear, encased in tight denim, perched over her stool – a snapshot so tantalizingly close - and yet so far out of reach.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...