Monday, 15 February 2021

Goddess worshipping: Iskra

I've posted about Iskra before - the beautiful blonde British model celebrated across the media for her righteous championing of the fuller figure in modelling and, of course, her now-famous interracial relationships. We all followed in awe the evolution of her fairytale love affair with Philip Payne and her subsequent pregnancy - an incredible example to her legions of young female fans...

Post-baby, it seems that Iskra is happier than ever and living her best life - a shining icon of how our culture is truly evolving...


  1. Iskara is an absolute Goddess. She looked incredible pregnant, and it was amazing seeing how well her body snapped back in shape so soon after giving birth. I hope she gets bred again soon so we can see how well her body responds a second time:)-d

  2. If you saw Iskra’s face when she found out told everyone she was pregnant you could tell it was the best thing that ever happened to her. It's incredible to know that black men can make a woman thaf happy in all sorts of different ways. A love that a white man could never achieve with a gorgeous white women. That is why it is better for all white girls to breed black. #saynotowhitebois

    1. I agree. The chemistry, connection and love between white women and Black men seems to be on a whole different level - at least to me it does!

  3. She is a Goddess like no other—the ultimate in pulchritude of woman lines that brings awe, admiration, and feelings of deep love when we gaze upon her. Her wide breeding hips were meant to procreation with the Black Man. As enlightened white males, we applaud and celebrate the union of White Women like her with the Black Man.

    1. Extremely well put and very poetic! Thank you!

    2. She looks absolutely glowing as her belly is growing with her Black lover's baby. Black men and white women are meant to be together!

  4. I really love how she looks dancing pregnant with her friend here:

    Totally exuding confidence and beauty, as always. (Need I mention that both women are pregnant with mixed babies?) The IR revolution keeps getting better and better!

  5. I just read an interview with Iskra and she talked about how important it was for her to learn about being an Anti-Racist so she could be a good mother to her "Black baby." I loved hearing her say her baby was "Black" as opposed to mixed, which you so often hear. Iskra is a #whitefemalerolemodel par excellence!

  6. A gorgeous goddess in every way, and a body that can only be filled and stretched by a well-hung alpha black male. As white beta boys let's be thankful to her and other goddesses like her for this special act of unselfish love and let's hope next time when she becomes pregnant again, hopefully she'll put this unselfish act of love on video so we humble little white cucks can watch and enjoy and appreciate her sacred and lifegiving cunt being filled with the sperm of her adored and well hung black king who have decided to give the world this beautiful Jewl.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...