Monday, 23 May 2022

Cuck sighting: Dom Con

I have just returned from Dom Con and it was wonderful to see so many friendly, if a little intimidating, Domme goddesses on display in their full majesty.

It was also fascinating to see the extent to which the IR and cuckolding dynamics are moving into the world of BDSM, and a delight to catch up with my good friend The Cuck Whisperer and the gorgeous Becky Phoenix, who are out there proudly promoting the BNWO!

As I was leaving the main hall and walking down the corridor to the bar, I saw a young woman walking towards me. As she got closer, I caught her eye and she gave me a delightful smile. “Hello!” I said. “Hi!” she replied. 

She was early 20s, with short buzzed hair with a blonde quiff. She had on neon blue glasses, which showed off her gorgeous bright blue eyes. This is the closest image I could find...

She was wearing a see-thru top, showcasing the most beautiful breasts, and as she walked past me I turned to drink in her rear view. She was wearing black stiletto ankle boots with high heels and tiny shiny black hotpants that showed off her long legs and shapely rear with a breath-taking wiggle as she walked. “Oh my good lord!” I was thinking!

When I returned to the floor later, I caught sight of this gorgeous young goddess again. As regular readers will trust, I never lie or exaggerate any aspect of these real-life encounters: she was browsing a display of butt-plugs. 

I drank in the sight of her again – those gorgeous long legs and that perfectly shapely ass, the whole effect accentuated by her buzzcut blonde hair. I decided now was the time to say hi. I went over and said, “Hi again!” Her blue eyes lit up and she shot me a dazzling smile. “Hey!” she said.

“I love your back tattoo!” I told her. 

She beamed at me again. “Thanks!” she said.

“What’s your name?”


“Where are you from?” I asked.

“Texas!” she replied, in an adorable accent. 

I had already noticed that she had both nipples pierced with rings, by which point my heart was racing!

“Who did you come with?” I asked.

“No one, I’m here on my own.” She replied. 

“Wow ok. All the way from Texas? Well, I hope I will see you at the party later!” I said.

“Sure thing!” she said. 

Later, I’d been enjoying myself at the party, fascinated by all the wonderful forms of sexual expression around me, when I decided it was time to head out. I left the ballroom and started walking down the long corridor to the hotel foyer. I was exhausted and ready to leave. 

Then…there she was.

Melody was heading towards me from the opposite end of the hallway. But she wasn’t alone. Next to her, holding her hand, a Black King. As they walked towards me, I felt my heart beating harder.

He was probably in his late 40s / early 50s, with dark skin and skinny dreadlocks. He was not tall, in fact he was probably an inch or two shorter than Melody in her heels, but he was powerfully built and muscular under a skin-tight black t-shirt and black pants. 

He was leading Melody by the hand. It looked so natural. But this time she was in a different outfit – a black PVC style uplift bra and thong set, with those black stiletto ankle boots. 

She was collared – which she definitely had not been earlier. 

As they came closer, I smiled at them. “Congratulations on finding each other!” I said.

The King gave me a nod. Melody beamed me that gorgeous smile for the last time. “Thanks!” she said. I watched the two of them walk off to the party, Melody’s gorgeous ass on full display for the delight of all of Dom Con, divided only by that tiny thong. 

In the three hours since I had talked to her, the gorgeous young Texan had been claimed for ownership by this older Black King. How had it happened? I don't know. But now she was embarking on a new chapter in her sexual journey. 


  1. Nice sighting!
    Wouldn't it have been great to watch the seduction that got them together?
    Then later, whatever fun they got up to - I can only imagine!
    Love these episodes!

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting! Yes my mind has been whirring ever since! She was absolutely gorgeous!

  2. What I love most is that I have no doubt Melody thought you were hitting on her earlier in the day. Then, when you greeted and congratulated her and her Black date on finding each other, she probably felt that was your way of graciously acknowledging defeat. I suspect in that moment you induced within her some delicious #lookbutdonttouch #sorrynotsorry whiteboy vibes that helped make her sex with her new Black King feel even better that night πŸ˜€-d

    1. I like the use of the word "graciously". The lifestyle should have a lot more of that. Hopefully the respects I paid them did help intensify her feelings!

  3. Hey! Thanks for this wonderful write up ❤️ you said you complimented her on nice back tattoo.. could you please share what exactly the tattoo was?!πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks for commenting - it's all 100% true and a pleasure to write about it. Her tattoo was very ornate - a nude maiden sat on a lily pad on a lake. Very classy!

  4. Ohh ok ok ☺️ thanks for responding 😊 N I was hoping for a more QoS style tattπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ Honestly would love to hear about it if anyone has spotted a QoS tattoo in the wild, in a general set up like a bank, restaurant or coffee shop, and not necessarily in a kink setup πŸ™ƒ


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...