Saturday, 20 August 2022

Dad cuck fantasy: my baddie snowbunny daughter

I have confessed previously that one of my greatest fantasies is that I have a gorgeous snowbunny daughter - 19 or 20 years old...

She listens exclusively to rap and hip hop...she's either out with her friends or locked in her bedroom or glued to her phone...and our communication is reduced to her telling me when she's going out.

I don't think she knows that I follow her Tik Tok after a friend alerted me to it. But it only serves to fuel my feelings of insecurity and powerlessness...

1 comment:

  1. How does it male you feel, seeing your daughter showing off her body like that, and reading all the lewd comments guys are making to complement her on her ass (and other body parts) and the nasty things they want to do to her. And how do you feel reading her replies, which seems to suggest she likes being talked about like she's a piece of meat?-d


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