Sunday, 20 November 2022

BLACKED: Maitland - this time it's RAW

World famous Hollywood actress Maitland Ward continues to push the IR boundaries - she has just made her BLACKED RAW debut in style - by taking on FOUR hungry Black Kings in one scene! 

The scene looks promising: Maitland is staying alone at a hotel and calls her husband back home to say goodnight.

Unbeknownst to her, a group of four rowdy Black guys are partying hard in the room next door...

Maitland is left with two choices - ignore all the noise and try and sleep...or investigate. 

This being a porn scene, sleeping is not an option! Maitland gets dressed up - and looking next level sensational, heads to the room next door to investigate...

Needless to say, the four Black guys are more than impressed by their late night caller,,,as you can see by those facial expressions...

What comes next is intense, four on one, interracial sex that really takes it to the next these Black alphas decide to take control and give Maitland a thorough workout...

What I like about this scene is the raw intensity of it. The way these Black alphas lay claim to Maitland and put her through such an intense session is a vivid example of what makes Black male / white female interracial so powerful. 

These Black Kings take - they don't ask - and this is what goes right to the very core of white female sexual fantasy. Put it this way - poor hubby at home is not enjoying this kind of abandoned intensity! 

The scene is also intensified by the fact that Maitland takes anal. These cocks are BIG - and it's fascinating to see the ease with which her ass is stretched out to accommodate them. Those are four lucky guys up there! 

BLACKED has already done so much to popularize interracial adult art - and I'm convinced it's made interracial one of the main - if not THE main fantasy - for millions of white women (and white men!) 

Scenes like this go a long way towards influencing sexual fantasies and hopefully turning more and more white women on to the sheer intensity of interracial! 


  1. I enjoy your writings. I'm a creator in the entertainment industry, and I try as much as I can to place white women with black men--romantically, sexually, platonically, or even within viewing proximity of each other. There used to be opposition to this in the past,partly because of bigotry, but also because of fear of backlash. I knew one film director from the 1970s who wanted to have a black male protagonist with a white female love interest. The studio heads had him reverse the pairing into a white male lead with a black female--as this was perceived to be less shocking and more acceptable.

    A more recent case was the new Star Wars movies where the original intent was to pair the black male lead (Finn) was to become Rey's love interest and it was strongly implied in the first film of the new trilogy. Early drafts of the script and the novelization also affirmed this, but there was strong pushback internally from the higher-ups against this. Of course, the rest of the trilogy became a mess because of this type of meddling and course correction.

    Nowadays, it's far less shocking to have WW/BM in media, but it can still cause heads to turn and eyebrows to be raised. As a creator, I enjoy the aesthetic in regards to the contrast. For myself, the image of a gorgeous white woman in the arms of a handsome black man will never become tiresome and I still find it fresh, exciting and very sexy! I also like the power in shaping and changing attitudes in the making of a multicultural, diverse, and progressive society. Ideally, I want WWBM to become the norm while same race WW/WM to be the exception--and I know many others want to as well.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful and insightful message. Fascinating and truly appreciated. I'd love to know more about your thoughts and experiences. Please would you message me directly using the message box at the top of the page and I will reply to you as speedily as I can. The GW.

    2. You're the hero we need! It's great to know we have people working behind the scenes to help push the Interracial Revolution to ever deeper levels of cultural penetration. The idea of not only normalising WWBM pairings but actually de-normalising WWWM in media spaces is a truly intoxicating idea as after all, where media goes culture tends to follow.

    3. Thank you GW for the kind words—I will send you private message as soon as I am able to.

      Also, thank you to Anon @ Dec 13 for your support! It is good for white males to accept and enjoy the transformation of society to become more multicultural. Racism was the cause of the tragedy of WW2, and the promotion of interracial love between WW/BM will help to reduce this.

  2. How was the scene with Maitland? Love a movie review!-d

  3. Great write-up of an amazing scene (although I wish she had rimmed at least Richard Mann). I gotta say, maybe it's a controversial opinion, but I would love if Blackedraw had a solo section of just the bulls jerking and cumming. The lighting looks great on their naked muscular bodies and solo videos like that could make it easier to picture them with your wife/gf or any woman you fantasize about.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...