Sunday, 4 January 2015

Cuck thoughts: why am I doing this?

I hope this blog achieves two things: the first is to celebrate the beauty and sheer unadulterated sexy-ness of white women. (There are other forums for celebrating women of colour whom it goes without saying we respect equally).

The second is to celebrate, promote and encourage the interracial attraction (specifically between Black men and white women) which is the fastest growing trend in Europe and the US.

As a white guy I have always worshipped and adored white women. They make life worth living in every way. Yes I have a "type" like most people, but this is by no means exclusive. My type is tall, healthy, blonde, brunette, redhead. I like long legs and big boobs, preferably all natural. Does this mean I don't find other women attractive of all ethnic backgrounds, ages, shapes and sizes? Of course not - but my type is my type - and if my type is not your type then I am sure there are plenty of other sites that will cater for you!

At the same time over the years my fascination with interracial has grown and intensified, so much so that it is now the central aspect of all my sexual fantasies and fascinations. I have gone from feeling threatened by it, to learning to accept it, to now actively encouraging and promoting it. I will be completely honest: I am now at the stage where whenever I see a beautiful white woman or girl, wherever I may be, my first reaction is to wonder what she would look like on the arm of a powerful dark-skinned Black man before I think of anything else. All my fantasies revolve around interracial, whether they be about an imagined girlfriend or wife or daughter, or about a celebrity, or even about something I've seen whilst out and about living my life.

I have wondered why. Does this make me a "cuckold"? The answer must be yes. But I look at some of the material that pops up under the term "cuckold" and that's definitely not me: I have no interest in being abused or humiliated or told I'm a piece of shit. In fact, that really turns me off. What turns me on is the thrill, the taboo, the glamour - yes, the glamour - of Black male, white female interracial. I love the electric eroticism. I love the tease and the frisson. That's what does it for me!

Why is this? Because in my view - interracial is more intense. White women seem more sexual and more sexualised when they are with Black men. More open, more relaxed, more sexy. Black men can connect with white women on a level that it seems to me most - no, not all, but most - white men simply can't reach. I don't know why - but the connection is there, it is powerful and it is undeniable. And I think this is becoming clear in the fact that white women are increasingly chosing non-white men as partners. Is this something that as a white guy I should fear or get angry about? Once upon a time I did. I felt threatened and powerless. But now, no. It's something I have learned to vicariously love - and it suits my own deeply voyeuristic sexuality perfectly.

So getting back to that question "what is it that I want?" Well the answer is this. To promote the positive celebration and adoration of white women. To carry on promoting the glamorous intensity of interracial. And if I am lucky, to find myself a beautiful white woman who accepts this and enjoys it as much as I do. Are you out there? 

1 comment:

  1. You are so like me when you say, " I have gone from feeling threatened by it, to learning to accept it, to now actively encouraging and promoting it. I will be completely honest: I am now at the stage where whenever I see a beautiful white woman or girl, wherever I may be, my first reaction is to wonder what she would look like on the arm of a powerful dark-skinned Black man before I think of anything else. All my fantasies revolve around interracial."

    This was my profile on another site:
    I am a fully capable and confident white man, but I will proudly admit that I absolutely love seeing the very best looking, young and fit white girls with black men. For me, this is specifically the college cheerleader type, the cute white girls with ribbons in their pretty hair and the lively personalities, wearing those short skirts that show off those sexy fleshy awesome legs and cute bottoms. I truly believe that there is no more perfect sexual union than the very best looking white girls in their physically and most sexually alluring prime years, being EXCLUSIVELY "available" to Negroes. ONLY black men should be allowed to fuck the hottest white girls! ONLY NEGROES! I've accepted that Negroes males are just somehow naturally awe-inspiring and I am not ashamed to admit that they are my heroes.

    This doesn't really make you or I a cuck, but just people that accept and get off on the black man's conquest of our very best looking white girls!!!


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