Saturday, 24 January 2015

Cuck sighting: the train station

This was a truly amazing sighting I witnessed just this weekend at the Greenwich DLR train station where I was waiting to meet a friend. It's a large, open waiting area at the top of the escalators that carry passengers up from the train platforms. As I was waiting my eye was immediately caught by a couple who entered the station.

The guy was a Black guy, probably in his early thirties, very dark-skinned, tall and very well-built, with a shaved head and gold ear-rings. He was wearing expensive designer clothes - a black leather jacket, blue jeans and boots.

With him was a very tall, model-esque white girl who I guessed to be in her early twenties. I would guess she was about 5 foot 9 or 5 foot 10, with long, straight browny-blonde hair and a gorgeously sexy face. It did cross my mind that she might be foreign - European possibly. She was wearing a short, fitted black leather jacket, and the tiniest, tightest pair of denim "Daisy Duke" shorts I think it would be possible to wear out in public.

My eyes literally popped out of my head as I drunk in this gorgeous sight - and by the looks of things I wasn't the only guy there who was knocked out! She was wearing straw laced sandals with a small heel on them and she had the longest, smoothest, tan legs I think I've ever seen - you know the kind - so smooth that they glisten when they catch the light!

As subtly as I could I walked around behind them so I could check out this stunning girl from behind - and I was rewarded by a glimpse of the most beautiful ass encased in tight denim that you could ever imagine. Oh my god! I couldn't get over the fact that this stunning white girl, dressed so incredibly sexily, belonged to this Black guy!

The Black guy was clearly in a heated conversation on his cell phone, and the white girl just waited patiently next to him while he continued his conversation, seemingly oblivious to all the attention she and her Black boyfriend were drawing.

I hung around watching the two of them for as long as I could, drinking in the view of interracial perfection there before me. Finally the Black guy finished his cell phone conversation. He took the white girl by the hand and led her off down to the trains. I think I would have followed them if it hadn't have been that I was late to meet my friend. As I left the train station I couldn't helping thinking that these days it really is a Black man's world.

1 comment:

  1. Yes today is truly is a black man's world. Living in Manhattan I fine myself always opening doors for them . Calling the black man Sir and being extra polite in front white girlfriends. I tell them it's a white boy's job to respect and always wait on them and that all the beautiful white ladies belong only to them. As it should be.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...