Friday, 30 October 2015

Goddess worshipping: Ashley: "Sorry Ken!"

Being a major fan of stunning British DJ and influencer Ashley James - you can probably imagine what an intense turn-on it was to see Ashley express her preference for Black guys recently on her Instagram page!

She posted the "Sorry Ken" internet meme on her page - which shows Barbie reclining in the arms of a Black male doll, revealing her real preference - and offering a throwaway apology to poor old cuckold Ken.

The meme is taking off online and being used by increasing numbers of white girls on social media, so it's amazing to see it posted by someone as high profile as Ashley.

I also LOVE her comment: "Soz (sorry) about that" along with a smiley face crying with laughter! So incredibly sexy! Also check out the gorgeously cheeky exclusive shot Ashley posted from her amazing villa in Ibiza!

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Cuck sighting: The Hotel Lobby

I have been staying in a hotel these last few days and I have a fantastic sighting to share with you from last night!

I pulled in to the underground car park at about 10pm last night to drop my car off. As I got out of my car, a large white Range Rover pulled in behind me with tinted windows. I couldn't see inside, but when the front passenger door opened, my jaw hit the ground. To say a supermodel stepped down from the car would be an understatment!

From the car emerged a stunning young blonde, very tall, at least 5 foot 10, and with that fabulous "Victoria Secret" kind of look - but in a dressed down, slightly grungey kind of way. She must have been 19 or 20 years old. She was wearing a grey beanie hat over her long blonde hair, a red checkered shirt over a white crop top, Ugg style boots and the most amazingly sexy tiny little "daisy duke" style denim shorts that perfectly showcased a visually outstanding pair of long, bronzed, smooth, shapely legs that caught the neon light and shimmered in it beautifully. I am not kidding when I say she would actually put the Victoria Secret girls to shame!

After she climbed down from the passenger seat, she went round to the back of the vehicle, opened up the trunk and pulled out a black guitar case. I was mesmerised as I watched her move, watching her legs and  then the beautiful shape of her perfect ass, tightly wrapped in the tiny denim shorts that were more like a second skin, showcasing her perfection.

The young  blonde walked past me and into the hotel. Seconds later, as the valet approached the vehicle, the driver side door opened and out stepped a big Black guy - around 6 foot 3 or 4 tall, well-built, dark-skinned and very muscular - wearing a white polo neck and black pants. I guessed he was in his 40s. He walked past me and into the hotel.

As I entered the hotel lobby, I saw by the front desk that the Black guy was at check in and stood beside him with her guitar case was my blonde musician goddess. As the concierge handed the Black guy his room key, he turned, put his arms around the blonde and led her to the elevators.

I wanted to share the same elevator as them to discover more - but I was too late to cross the lobby. They waited for a brief moment for the elevator to arrive, talking in hushed tones, smiling - and I saw them kiss, briefly but passionately. Then they were in the elevator, the  doors closed, and they were gone. I would have loved to have known who they were and their story.

Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...