Friday, 30 October 2015

Goddess worshipping: Ashley: "Sorry Ken!"

Being a major fan of stunning British DJ and influencer Ashley James - you can probably imagine what an intense turn-on it was to see Ashley express her preference for Black guys recently on her Instagram page!

She posted the "Sorry Ken" internet meme on her page - which shows Barbie reclining in the arms of a Black male doll, revealing her real preference - and offering a throwaway apology to poor old cuckold Ken.

The meme is taking off online and being used by increasing numbers of white girls on social media, so it's amazing to see it posted by someone as high profile as Ashley.

I also LOVE her comment: "Soz (sorry) about that" along with a smiley face crying with laughter! So incredibly sexy! Also check out the gorgeously cheeky exclusive shot Ashley posted from her amazing villa in Ibiza!


  1. Good evening

    Hope you dont mind the unannounced message found your blog a few days ago after stumbling across a post you made on "NIGGAS RULE" after being nosey at your two most recent posts i had to go back to your first and read everything in between ;)

    Very well written if you dont mind me saying, so many interracial blogs (or i guess in your case blogs about interracial appreciation? is the proper description) seem so complete BS they only appeal for a few posts then i get bored

    Am now going to be following your blog with great interest :)

    C, cuck to a UK Hotwife

    Ps if you have a few minutes spare myself and my wife have our own blog, she isnt a QoS type but might interest you

    1. Hello and welcome! It's absolutely great to hear such positive feedback and especially from someone who gets where I'm coming from on the GLAMOUR of interracial! Welcome to the blog and I'm delighted to have you here! GW

  2. Hi, just wanted to let you know that though I am a white male I absolutely love your blog and especially this post.I love women like this Ashley who not only are completely in the open about their preferences for Black men, but also seem to enjoy rubbing her preferences in the faces of white males like she does in her "Barbi"post. That not only sends a powerful message but projects an aggressive, even haughty type of self confidence which is just awe inspiringly sexy. Keep up the great work!

    1. Hello and thank you for your comment! I'm delighted you enjoy the blog! I agree with you - Ashley is not only stunningly gorgeous - but her expression of her preference for Black on social media is a bold and sexy statement for all to see!

  3. I'm so happy the girls are bringing this out in the open and it keeps the white boys in their place.

    1. Thanks wizzle. It's really taking off - let's hope we see a lot more of it as the girls pick up on it!


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