Monday, 3 July 2017

Cuck thoughts: a white guy's take on IR...

I was sent this via Tumblr. It's VERY honest, without being over the top and exaggerated - which I like a lot!

"This is one white guy’s take on the interracial phenomenon. Why the white mind is occupied by Big Black Cock in all it’s forms and fetishes. 20 years ago, no one would have guessed the terms “BBC”, “cuckold”, “mandingo”, “snowbunny” and all the rest would be common terms. Now we all know what they mean!

There has been an awakening in the minds of all whites. We have collectively accepted the sexual dominance of the Black male. I fully realize that this is an emotive subject and extreme views are held, both for and against. To my mind, you’re either trying to deny that dominance, or embracing it. I’m totally for white women enjoying BBC.

Let me try explain my position. There are a few reasons I enjoy interracial couples, interracial sex and interracial porn. Most of these are fucked up reasons and I totally expect (hope) you will judge me. So, in no particular order:

Contrast looks awesome: oh yeah! Seeing perfect white female skin next to a muscular ebony stud. Fuck yeah, visual orgasm.

The Big Black Cock: totally gonna give respect where it is due. The Big Black Cock is the stuff of dreams. True, size isn’t everything, you need technique too. But somehow I doubt these guys are lacking in technique either!

Taking her away from me: call it a error in my upbringing. Either nature or nurture. But I see a white girl looking at a Black guy with lust in her eyes and I feel that he’s taking her away from me somehow. It’s not that she was ever “mine”, it’s more like I think (on an almost unconscious level) that I have more of a “right” to her than a Black guy. Consciously battling that thought and telling myself that she chooses a Black cock over any white one turns me on. Maybe it’s nature’s way of ensuring that only the strongest breed. Nature is hijacking the white guy's mind so he finds it hot that the white woman wants bigger and Blacker cock and not his. Weird but cool.

The risk of getting bred: Oh yeah! Seeing a fertile white pussy taking on the massive cum from that monster Black cock. Yeah! Something inside me knows it’s right. Might makes right. And in sexual terms, what is mightier than the BBC? So to the conqueror goes the breeding rights. Only the Alpha males of the pack breed. And so our white women are taken and bred, easy as that. (and hot as fuck!)

Racist part of my brain: I’ll be honest. Most if not all of us have our prejudices. And often our fears are closely linked to our fantasies. When our fears meet our fantasies, the process is often difficult. It might not turn out as we thought. I’ve had the privilege and burden of seeing a few whites girls go Black. It’s a strange feeling to be humbled and turned on at the same time.

But most of all, it just feels right to accept Black sexual dominance. No matter how good of a fuck you think you are or how connected and in love you two are, BBC is a whole other thing. The Black man is physically and sexually superior to any other race. But I think the Black man takes his sexual dominance to another level when fucking a white woman - and she enjoys the best sex of her life!


  1. I could not agree any more with this author's comments. Sexual mating is really kind of a race war in a sense that is continually being waged by the forces of sociology and biology, including the powerful force of natural selection. Generally people in all races, even those who are not truly racist, feel a deeply ingrained need to maintain, preserve and grow their tribe. Thus many members of the "white tribe" feel threatened when they see a white female dating or married to a Black man as they know the DNA in his seed will overwrite the DNA of the white female if or when he breeds her, thus diluting/lessening the white tribe. The simple act of a Black man dating a white woman serves to deny white males access to her womb and in the white collective subconscious he believes he is seeing the white woman being carried off as a spoil of war, to be used to strengthen the Black tribe at the expense of his own. In past generations social barriers kept the Black man's physical and sexual dominance in check, but now those barriers have been removed and the forces of biology, natural selection and even sociology (our culture now even promotes IR) are moving white women into the arms of Black men in seemingly unending droves. This leaves the collective white male subconscious feeling threatened, helpless and inferior, but inexplicably in many cases also causes him to feel aroused. Indeed those factors are what bring us all to this site:)

    1. Thank you for taking the time to leave this well-considered and well-voiced comment. I agree with you!

  2. the black man knows he possesses a weapon of mass production ! a black african nigerian man i know in london has 2 school aged sons who have white school aged girlfriends 1 white british and 1 polish ! i asked him if he minded at all ! he simply said "why should i mind if my black sons plant their seeds in the white mans garden it won't grow the white mans fruit" ! lol !.


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