Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Goddess worshipping: Gabby and Marcel do the deed!

The break out stars of British reality TV show “love Island” are undoubtedly Gabby Allen and Marcel Somerville. Their beautiful IR romance hit the headlines and had the whole nation hooked - and it now looks set to make them stars, millionaires and icons of the #IRrevolution!

Part of the reason why the nation fell in love with them was Gabby’s vow not to have sex with Marcel in front of the TV cameras, when all the other stunning beauties on the show had no such inhibitions!

But once the show was over, Gabby couldn't help but share her excitement to get hot under the covers with Marcel in an interview with the show’s gorgeous host, Caroline Flack.

Gabby has now confirmed that she and Marcel enjoyed a marathon of hot, steamy sex on their first night out of the house – and she told The Daily Mail that their night of passion “totally lived up to expectations!”

On why she waited to do the deed, Gabby said: “I don’t feel like I should be shamed for NOT having sex on TV. But I made a promise to my brother and my mum that I wasn’t going to do it. People don’t realise that there’s literally a thousand cameras looking at you all the time. It’s really hard to get sexy. It just didn’t sit well with me.” 

Gabby and Marcel were desperate to get sexy as soon as the show was over - a fact Gabby hinted at in a cheeky Instagram post after touching down back in London when she referenced “a BANGING night”. She went on to say “the gorgeous boyf and I are back! What an absolutely amazing experience!”


  1. It kills me that I can't watch this in the States. Thank you for the delivering the good news! Congrats to them sexy duo and kudos to Gabby for making good on the promise to her brother.

    1. Sorry you guys can't see it there - but glad I was able to report on it at least!

  2. This is so hot... She is so hot! I love it! Just thinking about all the white women, from young pre-teens all the way up to mature middle-aged women, seeing this beautiful example of interracial coupling turns me on so much! Gabby is incredibly gorgeous and they've set a wonderful example for the white female viewership!

    1. Absolutely 100%! This series was THE most popular show on British television - watched by hundreds of thousands of British girls and women of all ages! Gabby is as gorgeous as you say and really leading the way in the IRrevolutionUK!

  3. What I love and admire most about Gabby is how she stayed faithful to him and simply accepted his having sex with other women without complaint. Reflects a wonderful degree of grace and humility on her part. Also, when it comes to humility, I've noticed it seems to take a Black man for a white woman to show it.-D


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...