Friday, 22 September 2017

Cuck thoughts: article by Darryl

A submission from blog reader Darryl - aka BushidoSamurai: he's a retired US Marine, 58, 6'3'', 248 lbs Black man based in San Diego, CA. He loves "fine food and fine white women"! I certainly don't blame him! With typical intelligence, he writes: 

"Times are changing. Just sixty years ago in the United States it was still illegal for a Black man to have sexual intercourse and marry a white woman, Black men were still lynched in parts of the South for this very offence.  White men unable to control their jealousy were driven mad and led to bloody and murderous acts through the rage of imagining their soft white flowers in the embrace of a strong, powerful Black buck. The combination of inferior feelings, jealousy and unacknowledged hornyness at the thought led to the end of many Black men.

Today, due to many factors, the civil rights movement, feminist advances and the power this gave white women to make their own sexual choices and the ascent of the Black man to the top echelons of sports and music, Black men and white women has now become the sexual flavor of the day and rather than trying to stop this more and more white men are now finding joy in the situation. 

For a Black man there are many reasons he would choose a white woman. The Black man of today finds himself with more options than he has experienced before and the clear option for the Black man of today is the white woman. This may seem a controversial idea to some in the community but this is the truth and the Black mans role is to be a bearer of truth in this world.

A white woman can offer a Black man the kind of womanhood that he no longer receives from a black woman. Many black women let themselves go physically and sexually and to a Black man this is unacceptable. Black men do not allow outside factors to stop their self pride and this a trait that is shared with the white woman, who has withstood centuries of indignation at the hands of the white man. It is time for us to rescue each other Brothas and white women.  

The second factor is the undeniable sexual chemistry between a Black man and a beautiful white woman. Centuries of trying to keep us apart has only heightened this powerful sexual bond but it is in fact an ancient tradition. Many ancient Indian and African art works depict Black male god with their white concubines and in ancient Rome powerful women were known to enjoy sexual encounters with Black slaves and gladiators.

 The way a white woman behaves is also an important part of why they are a better choice for a Black man today. White women behave perfectly in public and carry themselves with class, they can be taken and shown off anywhere with pride and the comfort of knowing she wont catch an attitude over a minor matter.

White women embrace their natural femininity fully and are eager to listen and take guidance from a strong man, this leads to happiness on both sides as the woman learns and grows at the hands of her Black man and the Black man gets to enjoy the natural order that life has intended for him and the white man has stolen for centuries. 

That day is over, Brothas it is time to look to the future and take what is ours, white women it is time for you to be fully appreciated and enjoyed for the beautiful women that you are. We are here, the time is now."

1 comment:

  1. As a white male reading this, I was like where are all the white women at who are willing and wanting a strong guiding hand to lead them? My two wives and all the white women I've dated have all been totally assertive, often bitchy, and driven to try and impose their will on me. Literally each of them seemed to think the natural order of a relationship was one where the woman is in charge. I'm very jealous of you Darryl! -D


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