Monday, 18 September 2017

Goddess worshipping: Emily 2.0

I've posted previously about gorgeous Australian goddess Emily Sears - a statuesque, 5 foot 8 blonde with an incredible 32DD - 24 - 36 figure.

Emily is a social media influencer well worth following for her bold, intelligent, insightful postings on everything from race and feminisim to white male privilege and interracial dating.

When Emily is not keeping us boys in check, she is blessing us with her incredible beauty in the most amazing lingerie shoots...


  1. What a Goddess! Also, I love that when white women like her talk openly about dating Black men and make lecturing comments about "white male privilege" on their social media, they are really speaking in a not so subtle code, words they hope will inculcate a humble attitude within any white males who happen to read their posts. I hope you can publish a few of her best comments on those topics in a future post, her beauty and intellect make her a very powerful advovate for the #IRrevolutuon and she deserves much attention and praise:)-D

    1. Brilliant summary. I completely agree with you that these gorgeous goddesses are certainly changing the game and deserve attention and praise. If you guys happen to see other girls doing this please let me know!

    2. I would imagine it was in the USA rather than Britain but I don't know.

    3. thank you ! the most important thing after all is not the where !


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...