Friday, 10 August 2018

Cuck thoughts: Kanye. Game Over

Ladies and gentlemen, lock up your daughters. The game is officially OVER.

On the Jimmy Kimmel show, in front of millions of viewers, beamed into millions of homes, megastar Kanye West preached the gospel of interracial porn - proclaiming that "Black on white" is his favourite genre of porn - and that BLACKED is his favourite porn site. Poor Jimmy could barely disguise that oh-so-familiar "I know what you're sayin'" white boy discomfort!

Kanye doubled down today by tweeting about this to his 28 million followers. Yes - 28 million! Greg Lansky and the BLACKED team were fast to respond...

Overnight, the #IRmovement has exploded. The Daily Mail have run a feature on it for their millions of readers...

 And Twitter has gone nuts, with thousands upon thousands of reactions and re-tweets.

How this will play out in exact terms is impossible to tell yet - but the fastest growing genre of porn, and the biggest brand within that genre, have been given a giant, free, super-sized advert to the entire world!

One thing is clear. Anyone who didn't know about Blacked before, sure does now. And there will be hundreds of thousands - surely millions - of curious eyes typing in that web address in the coming days and weeks! Oh to be a fly on the wall...!

I've written about this here before, but BLACKED now truly claims its place as the modern-day Playboy, capturing the erotic zeitgeist of all the dominant cultural trends and eroticizing them - from the popularity of hip hop and r n' bto the rapid rise of the cuckold kink.

Previously, even I was surprised at how many beautiful young white girls were lining up to appear on the site. Now, that number is going to explode. Where Playboy was once that highly-desireable, highly-contested height of glamour modelling achievement -'s BLACKED. So roll up, girls, roll up!

And whilst no one can really know what people are watching privately at home - or see into the fantasies in their heads - it must be the case that the VIP, high-glamour, high-baller, high-octane world of Blacked is now fuelling the fantasies of millions of white women, millions of white girls - and even millions of white boys! This genie is never going back in the bottle.


  1. IR is set to truly explode. It just needed that little bit of mainstream encouragement. I can't wait to see this beautiful genre take over.

  2. If before this , there were girls that want to shot their first scene in Blacked, now there is going to be thousands of white girls who want to work for them.
    definitely this is going to change the game.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...