Saturday, 4 August 2018

Cuck sighting: at Starbucks

Message to all readers: if YOU have a great interracial sighting that you would love to share with us all, please message me! It can be anything you've seen that fits the beautiful BM/WF ethos of this blog - all I ask is that it's 100% genuine. We only deal in the REAL here, so please, no fantasy stuff! Thanks! 

As the #IRmovement grows and grows, driven by the factors that we are all only too familiar with, from the permeation of hip hop culture to the flood of high quality interracial porn on the internet, so we're seeing more and more interracial sightings in everyday life. More and more white women and girls are making the choice to date Black men, casting off the limitations of the past, more and more Black men are going for white women, and more and more white men are accepting this trend - and even actively encouraging it, as anyone can see from spending five minutes with the fanboys on Twitter! 

To me, these sightings are intensely erotic. I just can't adequately put into words the effect that they have on me, conjuring up mixed emotions of wonder, envy, intense arousal and sweet defeat. These days, IR sightings are happening with such frequency that I can barely keep up, let alone record them in the way that I would love to here on my blog. So I have to be very selective - and this particular sighting just has to be recorded for posterity.

It was around 11am and I was heading for Starbucks to escape the intense heatwave and grab a mind-morning pick-me-up. The Starbucks in question is in a pedestrian precinct with chairs and tables set outside. Unusually for me, I didn't notice the BM/WF couple sat at one of the tables, mostly due to the fact that she was turned away in her chair. It was only once I was inside and in the line to buy my coffee that I saw them through the window, and from that point I couldn't focus on anything else. 

Outside, at a table to the right of the exit, sat a beautiful blonde with a dog next to her. I'm hopeless with dog breeds but it was something approximating a dark grey Staffordshire Terrier. At the table with them was a strongly-built, dark-skinned Black man with his head shaved at the sides and back, wearing black jeans, a white sweat top, black and white Jordans and sunglasses. 

Although the blonde was seated and I could only get a side view, I knew immediately that I was seeing something very special. Impatiently, I willed my coffee to arrive so that I could go outside an take a better view.

When it did, I headed outside and played that familiar game of trying to position myself to take in the best view, whilst not arousing any suspicion. I found a table opposite the couple and took a seat.

The girl was stunning. I guessed her to be early twenties, tall, with long, blonde hair and a gorgeously sexy face. She was wearing a tiny black crop top, a pair of pale blue denim daisy duke shorts and black high heel sandals with those thin straps that criss cross right the way up the calf to the knee. She had full breasts and mind-blowing long, tan legs - so smooth that were shining in the bright sunlight.

I was so mesmerized by the sight of this goddess that I could not take my eyes off her, drinking in every detail in order to store her memory forever. There is just something electric in the air when a girl like this is present. I don't know how long I was sat there, but it was worth the wait. 

The couple had finsihed their discussion and got up to leave - and for the first time I saw this blonde goddess full length. It was even better than I imagined: full breasts under the tight black crop top, a perfectly honed exposed midriff, and those long, tanned legs. Who the heck was she? A model?

As the couple turned to leave, I finally got to see this stunning blonde goddess from behind - and I was rewarded by a sight that surprised even me. The pale blue denim daisy dukes that she was wearing weren't just short, they were cut so short that they sat high over the cheeks of her ass, exposing them, lifting and separating them. And what an ass it was! Not in the category of the PAWG-type booties that we're seeing more and more of - but nevertheless full, rounded, beautifully formed - and almost entirely on view!

As the couple walked away, I drank in the view of interracial perfection, wondering who they were, what their story was - and considering just how much our society has evolved during the last twenty years.   


  1. That sighting sounded incredible! I love how she lives in a country where as a white woman she can go out dressed like that, plunging neckline, midriff exposed,high heels, and ass cheeksfalling out of her shorts, and publicly date a Black man with no fear of recriminations. She must have looked completely out of your league and filled you with envy. Thanks so much for sharing though and kudos for the detail!-d

    1. Thank you! It's nice to have these posts acknowledged for their detail! I try to capture as much of it as I can for those who feel the same way I do about the #IRmovement.

  2. Does any other white guy feel that white girls with black guys, really LOVE to rub it in any white boys face if they know there staring ?.

    Lol the world has changed so much, it's amazing to think what it will be like in say another 20 years time.

    I saw a mixed race lady last week, who was stunning. Imo beautiful white women mixes with strong black male genes don't half produce some amazing results.

    1. I think white girls are starting to realise the power they weald when they date Black guys yes. It's a slow process but it's happening!


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