Sunday, 12 May 2019

Goddess worshipping: Mia - BBC ONLY

The gorgeous Mia Malkova has sent white boys, worshippers and cucks into an absolute frenzy on Twitter today. by posting a video that has garnered over FORTY THOUSAND likes in just ten hours!

It's what I would classify as a "statement video" - and all you need to do is watch it to know why...

In the video, titled only with the "Queen of Spades" icons and "coming soon", the beyond-beautiful Mia smiles into her cell phone camera - and then pans down to reveal that she is wearing "BBC ONLY" panties. She ends the short video with a knowing wink to the viewer.

With the IR "genie" well and truly out of the bottle now, more and more women are starting to realize the sheer power that it has over us worshippers and cucks - and just how sexy, desireable and empowered it can make them feel. Ladies - this movement is all about YOU!

We can expect to see a lot more of this, as the BBC cuckold lifestyle spreads across the internet and more and more into the mainstream.

And readers, please remember, some of us have been into this and promoting it for years!


  1. She is amazing ... .
    Cant wait to see her with bbc in 2019
    Do you have more information about scene and who is black guy with her ?

    1. Agreed! I have no further info yet - but if any readers do then please let us know!

  2. It's going to be on her OnlyFans, just $5 for a membership if you join today. Ethical consumption demands that whiteboys join in order to reward Mia for boldly defying the status quo.

    1. -Agreed! Membership to her site should be a mandatory white male privilege tax that all of us whiteboys should be required by law to have to pay:)-d

  3. As a white male the only thing i can even imagine doing with her is plunging my tongue into her perfect white ass and making sure she is cleaned and lubed for a Black man's use -d

  4. Her shot in Blacked with Jason Luv is one of my favorites.
    I think thanks to that she discovers how sexy can make her feels and still be desireable for erverybody.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...