Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Goddess worshipping: Jess - Teen Black Guy Rates HOT Mom's Lingerie...

This beautiful video was brought to my attention by reader Chris - and boy am I happy that he did!

In the ever more booming IR market place, there are few videos that match this one for illustrating the deep, instinctive, undeniable chemistry between white women and Black men - in this case a young Black man and a stuning white woman. They're chemistry is so obvious, it's just breath-taking.

This video is best watched once all the way through, and then watched again and truly savoured in order to pick up all the cock-twitching nuances. Pay special attention to the way she looks at him. And then they way that he looks at her. It's fun, very sexual - and quite beautiful. There's no false modesty - and he makes no apology for being free and confident to look her up and down and drink in her sexy perfection.

It's the chemistry on display here that is the reason why IR is exploding. It's a primal attraction and a sexual intensity that just can't be denied. Let's hope that Jess's work will inspire a lot more women to try this out and experience the sheer sexual power it gives them...


  1. Look at how happy she is. Also note how quickly he goes in for a feel and looks super relaxed and confident with an older gorgeous woman. I mean most white males would be red faced, unable to speak and foolish with a stunner like her. Love how happy she looks to, I bet he fucked her silly after. Those gorgeous legs wrapped round his body, as he pumped her hard and fast.

    1. Great comment Joe - you're picking up on all the same aspects as I did! It's beautiful!

  2. Super hot. You could definitely feel the playfulness and the sexual tension between them. You can even see her slit while she's modeling the black & light blue mesh outfit!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks! Always on the lookout for clips like these to share!

  3. She's beautiful and her videos are the sexiest thing on YouTube. She was doing a Q&A with her fans and got asked if she was into Black men and she said yes, but also said she was into men of all colors. Her first words though were "I get this question all the time" lol.-d

    1. Thanks for the intel! I think she must be well aware of the reaction that she's going to get when so many of her videos and her social media clips feature her hanging out with Black guys in what seem like sexually charged situations!

    2. I have went through nore of her social media and am convinced that when she talks about loving all colors men, she is really just being politically correct. Even if she is not exclusive to Black men, there is no way Black me n are not at least her very strong preference.-d

    3. Thanks for the work and intel! Great to know!


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...