Saturday, 6 July 2019

Goddess worshipping: Jess - Two Teens Rate Hot Mom

Yes, the gorgeous, sexy, sassy Jess Picado is back with a new video that's even hotter than the last! In it, our "Hot Momma" is joined by two Black teenage lads Yaya and Alva, who get the mind-blowing opportunity of rating her as she models some of her sexy outfits for them!

This video is a gem for any goddess worshipping cuck on so many levels. Not only is it great to see the interracial dynamic being promoted so boldly by such a gorgeously sexy lady as Jess - but it also promotes a really interesting angle on it: the gorgeous older white woman and how she is responded to - and deeply desired - by younger Black bucks.

I'm sincerely hoping that a lot of women will see this video and that it will add fuel to their own ideas...!

You'll need to watch the video several times to pick up on all the great reactions - 01.30 is a gem: "Turn around...all the way around...ok, ok!" and the sexual electricity is absolutely overwhelming as Jess explains to the two boys that her black dress is so slinky that she can't wear underwear underneath it!

Keep an eye on the way that the boys look at Jess - particularly Alva, a quiet one who looks like he can barely contain his lust! And at how Jess looks at the boys as she gives them power to direct her and rate her as the object of their desire...

This video isn't porn - but it captures so much of what made me an IR obsessive and makes IR the most exciting and fastest growing sexual dynamic of our age!


  1. OMGoodness that was soooo sexy. Watching that, you just know she's fucking both of those guys in her private life (as she should of course with that body, totally built by Mother Nature for serving Black men sexually:))-d.

    1. Those lads probably got to fuck right after the vid, maybe with her using a role play outfit. So totally hot and right.

      It is humiliating that the closest I get to a show like this is viewing this vid where those teen bucks get a ring side seat for real - with extras after.

  2. The faster this gets normalized the better! More white moms catering to young black men means that more white daughters will follow in her footsteps! It has already begun, white girls in high school and college are listening to rap music, dressing scantily, going out to parties, and hitting on black guys. Porn and media has taught them that if they want true satisfaction in the bedroom, black men are the only option and they are reacting accordingly. Before you know it, every white girl will have a black boyfriend. And white guys will be left with either their hands or perhaps, if they are extremely lucky, black women.

    1. I agree with every word. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

    2. Very true, I'm sure time will prove this out for all to see.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...