Sunday, 3 November 2019

Cuck thoughts: am I an interracial addict?

The following questionnaire was sent to me by reader ModernWhiteboy.

So...I did mine below. It's quite scarily revealing! 😁 Now I'd love to hear YOURS?

The Interracial Addict Checklist:

Have you stopped watching porn with white male talent?
Yes. Fifteen years ago.

Do you have a hard drive dedicated solely to interracial porn?
Yes. Fifteen years worth!

Do you follow social media platforms dedicated solely to interracial?
Yes - and I produce my own!

Can you last more than 12 hours without viewing interracial?
I'd like to think so if I had to - but I do view it most days.

Day to day when you see a sexy female out and about, how quickly does your mind turn to IR?
These days, pretty much immediately. Right after I've registered that she's hot, I'm then thinking about how good she would look in IR scenarios.

Do you fantasize about female celebrities in interracial scenarios?
All the time - Kate Upton, Taylor Swift, Kelly Brook, Katy Perry, Jennifer Lawrence...the list goes on and on...

Do you fantasize about ex-girlfriends in interracial scenarios?
All the time - especially my gorgeous exes Jo, Claire, Erika, Melanie, Taylor...

Do you fantasize about female family members in interracial scenarios?
Yes. I'm not married and I don't have kids - but often my most powerful fantasies are about my "wife" or my "daughter" (strictly over 18) - in interracial  scenarios.

Interracial Addict score: 95%
(not sure how this was calculated or what happened to my other 5%!)


  1. 1. Stopped watching porn with white males in alpha male roles over a decade ago. Only time white males are in my porn viewing is in beta male roles where they are slaves or cuckolds.

    2 and 3. I would say 95% of the social media and pornography I have in my collection is interracial in nature, the remainder being mFemDomme related.

    4. I can go 12 hours without viewing interracial but it is never far from my mind, even in my dreams sadly.

    5 and 6. I cannot look at a white woman who is attractive without imagining her with a Black man, be her a celebrity or everyday woman on the street :) So hoping Taylor Swift goes Black especially and my biggest disappointment was seeing a Black man's attempted seduction of Danarys Targaren go unsuccessfully on Game of Thrones.

    7 an 8. I fantasize and root for celebrity white women to go Black all the time. As far as
    Family members, only pretend ones
    Except for Wife, im begging her to go Black lol.

    So What is my score?:) -d

    1. I think your Interracial Addict Score sounds pretty close to my own! So let's call it a tie at 95%?!


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