Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Goddess worshipping: Jess is back!

Sexy super-tease Jess is BACK - and this time the tight-bodied blonde is teasing two teenage guys in the presence of her powerfully-built Black boyfriend, which ramps up the sizzle factor!

I hope Jess inspires other women following her. She really understands the power of "the tease" - especially when the red hot interracial element is added to take it to a whole other level.

She seems totally comfortable with her sexiness and her sexuality around alpha Black men - in a way that is emblematic of how more and more white women are becoming liberated and empowered by the #IRrevolution. And more and more guys like me are worshipping them for it!


  1. women's empowerment and the IRrevolution are very connected.
    Definitely white women are more comfortable around black men , they feel free and secure with themselves which allows them to explore their sensuality and sexuality

  2. The best part of this video for me is when Jess addresses her boyfriend as "Sir." She's subtle in her videos, but pretty clear in acknowledging that her boyfriend wears the pants in their relationship. I love though how he permits Jess to wallow in the sexual attention she gets from young Black men these videos, one can tell she thrives on teasing them and making their cocks hard. I'm certain she gets stuffed with at minimum her boyfriend's BBC after these videos are over, and probably teen age boy BBC as well. Love how sexual she is and seemingly so dedicated to Black men, acknowledging her following is too mainstream to be completely open about her Black male preferences. A true #whitefemalerolemodel anyway! -d

    1. I agree with all of that except I dont think these young guys are getting to have sex with her. Her man is happy for her to tease but I don't believe he's the kind of man who's about to share her. Just my opinion!


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...