Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Goddess worshipping: Eve and Jess

The winner-takes-all association of white female / Black male partnership with glamour, decadence and the VIP lifestyle continues to steam ahead - and British reality TV show Love Island is once again doing it's part to beam it directly into living rooms all over the UK.

I've talked before about how the show has given us so many pairings of divinely gorgeous white girls with super-studly Black guys - and the new season looks like it's not going to disappoint!

Two of the hopefuls in the new line-up are twins - the platinum-haired, thick-thighed, Eve and Jess - the first ever female twins to appear together on Love Island.

Eve and Jess are just 20 years old, with gorgeous bodies. They are students and VIP club hostesses from London.

As with most of the contestants on the show, there are limited details about the girls' background, but what snippets there are already suggest that we have a gorgeous pair of #toogoodforwhiteboys snowbunnies for our visual delight...

Eve revealed in her Love Island interview that she used to be messaging with Kylie Jenner's ex Tyga.
She said: "Tyga, Kylie Jenner’s ex, messaged me. We were both at an event and I posted an Instagram story tagging him. He then messaged me afterwards and we spoke on WhatsApp. Then when me and Jess were in Ibiza, he was there again. Pop Smoke, the R ‘n’ B rapper, was messaging me too."

Also, a clip has surfaced of the twins in an amateur hip hop video - and it’s quite something. It shows the girls partying with rappers and several other gorgeous blonde babes in a hotel suite as they drink champagne, and dance sexily.

This season of Love Island may have only just started, but, unsurprisingly, both girls have already gravitated towards one of the Black alpha males in the house - and it wasn't long before he claimed a steamy kiss from not one - but both girls! Lucky, lucky guy!

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Cuck thoughts: When Europe Met Africa

This is an "erotic analysis" co-written by NordicTraditionalist and Belladonnaofwhiteness. I find it a little exaggerated personally - but nevertheless there's a lot of core truth in it. Well worth a read!

"African men evolved in a very hot climate with abundant natural resources which led to an extremely dangerous, chaotic and competitive environment for men to breed. The only law was the law of the jungle; life was fast, brutal and revolved around the ancient rule of winner-takes-all. On the other hand, there were also few restrictions on the sexual freedom of African women so they invariably sought to mate with the strongest man.  

This process selected genetically for a rapidly-maturing race of men with higher testosterone, elevated physical dominance, lower inhibitions, more muscle, denser bones, deeper voices, greater potency, maximised stamina and lest we forget…the most pronounced genitalia, making African men the most virile and primally masculine. 

As we look to Africa’s polar opposite in the North, European women evolved in an extremely cold climate with less natural resources; an intensely gruelling ecology which compelled European men to co-operate and build an artificial environment suppressing nature’s chaotic brutality. These societies were characterised by rigid social codes, such as chastity before marriage, lifelong monogamy for both sexes, as well as reduced male competition. 

By restricting the sexual freedom of European women, curbing male competition and building a much safer environment under patriarchy, primal masculinity became less necessary for a European man to secure a mate and pass on his genes. European men exerted greater selective genetic pressure over their females which created a race of women with exquisite feminine traits: softer bones, gentler voices and natural submissiveness. No race of women stands as a greater incarnate of pure, ethereal femininity than the European woman. 

It’s a great historical irony but in the end, the civilisation that European men built brought tens of millions of virile African men into close proximity with his women, endowed them with equal rights to procreation, and the opportunity to broadcast their genetic superiority, displaying evidence of it around the world through the avenues of sports, music, entertainment and most notably of all, pornography. 

When Europe was alone without Africa, its men were secure in their masculinity due to lack of competition. The opposite of a white woman was a white man, the yin to her yang. However, the opening of Europe’s legs to Africa and the subsequent racial integration through liberal, progressive thinking has successfully discarded the “white male/white female” sexual polarity. 

As a consequence, European males have found themselves caught in the awkward position of feeling anger about their new competitors while also secretly harbouring intense erotic fantasies of the new sexual stereotype rocking Europe; the image of phenomenally well-endowed African studs with their women, both on their computer screens and in the real world. Their women who, meanwhile, fawn over their new African idols who continually manage to out-compete even the best men of Europe in all fields primal. 

As time passed, European men found themselves replaced by African men as the icons of masculinity in the minds of European women, who abandoned their flaccid, boring, pink and passionless white partners en masse and liberated themselves through forbidden,  passionate and intense sex with black men.  

The apex of femininity post-integration remains white but the newer idols of masculinity are undeniably black, leaving white men increasingly out of the picture as a kind of confused, frustrated third sex; an increasingly idle, impotent, androgynous spectator fenced in between real masculinity and authentic femininity. 

It’s poetic truth that the most virile men of any race in this world are African men and the most feminine women are European. Setting aside all of the socio-cultural antecedents discussed, sexual polarity is greatest between black men and white women. Their union functions as a basis for attraction as never experienced before in evolutionary history. Hence the susceptibility of white women to “Jungle Fever”. A sexual addiction characterised by insane lust, ecstatic delirium and hyper-feminine worship of raw, black masculinity. 

Europeans of both sexes will soon become totally enamoured with African superiority. A sterile, ageing, receding Europe will be gifted fertility once again by the growing demographic power of Africa. Tens of millions of fertile white women will use their wombs to produce the new children of Eurafrica who will irreversibly change the currently feminized white man’s continent.  

The core of a true woman’s being implores surrender to dark masculine strength; to let go, submit totally and admit to herself the deepest bodily and spiritual fulfilment. This Africanization of Europe signals the inevitable destruction of a decadent, weary, emasculated Western civilisation and a return to the primal thrill and barbaric carnality of the jungle: masculine black fire melting feminine white ice in billions of convulsive, full-body, earth-shattering orgasms."

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Goddess worshipping: Hannah

Thank you to "modernwhiteboi" for sending me the gorgeous Hannah, a stunning student from Edinburgh University!

I'm LOVING how in this new era the very finest white girls are preferencing alpha Black guys, of course making them even more gorgeously unobtainable! What a stone cold goddess!

Ohhh those thighs!

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Cuck thoughts: a new decade...

As we mark the beginning of a brand new decade, I just want to thank everyone who reads, supports and encourages my blog and wish you all a happy new year!

As you know, this blog is a total labour of love. I get nothing out of it financially. All it does is allow me a platform to express my erotic musings about the incredibly exciting and fast-changing world we are living in. I wish I had the time to post more content and more frequently.

As we start the new decade, I can't help reflecting on my own personal journey. Of when I moved to London and first saw, in really significant numbers, gorgeous white women partnering with Black men. Of the emotional journey that I went through, a young, jealous white boy. That undeniable fascination mixed with deep envy - and the resulting feelings of shame. It would be a long path to overcome it.

I remember the first IR porn I ever saw - the legendary trail-blazer Sean Michaels with Miss Sarah Louise Young, the gorgeously sexy, big-boobed British queen of 1990's Euro-XXX. I remember the early IR porn scenes that had such a profound effect on me - like seeing Black super-stud Justin Slayer giving long-legged Czech blonde model Jane Darling the most intense sexing of her life!

I was instantly hooked, mesmerized by the eroticism of the colour contrast, the intensity of the sex - and how naturally stunning they looked together - a Black alpha male with a gorgeous white female.

I was instantly addicted, becoming a voracious consumer of IR at home. I stopped watching any other kind of porn. And, in my everyday life, I was looking everywhere for signs of the inevitable spread of IR. I didn't need to look far to find it. It was exploding all around me, online, in the media, and in the real world.

I was hooked. I couldn't see a beautiful white woman anywhere without imagining her with a powerful Black man. With every gorgeous girl I dated, I instantly developed secret and vivid fantasies of being cuckolded. I had always adored beautiful women, but now I started to worship them. I saw the glamour of white female / Black male interracial - and started to understand the intense eroticism of the tease and denial of the lifestyle. I replaced my insecurity and envy and happily resigned myself to the permanent and intense thrills of voyeurism, goddess worshipping and the cuck mindset.

In 2015, I started my blog. My platform to express how I felt, promote the lifestyle and hopefully find like minds. I soon realized I was far from alone.

At the same time, BLACKED came along and changed the game forever. The glamour of white female / Black male pairing that was taking off in music and the media, now saw it's adult reflection with a new brand that made interracial the most watched content on the internet, fuelling the fantasies of millions. It's growing stable of gorgeous, young, aspiring models has made it the modern-day Playboy, introducing the glamour of IR into the minds of milions of white girls and women - just as society was evolving to give them a new-found freedom and power - and render white guys like me increasingly side-lined.

So who am I, now? A godess worshipper? A supporter of female empowerment? A woke white boy? A voyeur? A cuck? Or all of the above? To be honest, I have stopped worrying about labels and I've rejected all those feelings of stress and guilt that so many people have about their innermost desires and fantasies.

This should be FUN! And now, for the first time, I can confess that my fantasies ALL revolve around interracial, glamour, tease, denial and being cuckolded - by my gorgeous girlfriend, or my hot (imaginary) "wife", or even my (strictly over eighteen) sassy daughter. 

As I've said, the world is changing, and it's not waiting around for my approval, so I might as well jump on board and enjoy the ride! Here's to a new decade, that I predict will see IR continue to explode and dominate more and more.

Goddess Worshipper, Jan 1, 2020

The dream girlfriend...

Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...