Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Goddess worshipping: Hannah

Beautiful British blonde goddess - kickass entrepreneur and semi-professional model - with a rear view that simply defies belief! She's a tall girl - so lucky bf must be 6 foot 5! 😄


  1. as a young black guy in london the way that i feel is this the fucking is the battle but the breeding is the victory, i want to see her having non-white babies, that's the way i feel, anybody who separates the fucking from the breeding is kidding themselves.

    1. I'm inclined to agree. I'm a white guy and I have to admit I used to feel kinda defeated every time I'd see another cute white girl pushing a pram with mixed babies. We'd better get used to it though because I think we'll only ever see more and more of it from now on lol.

  2. #Sorrywhitebois there is no way a woman that tall and beautiful will settle for anything less than a Black King. Agree with the last commenter in that she needs bred by Black Kings as well as fucked for the powerful statement it makes to both Black and white men. That will definitely promote genetics and social justice:)-d

  3. I love that the big booty trend amongst white girls so often lines up with them preferring black guys. It makes my favourite body type so alluringly out of reach!

  4. What gives... I posted a comment that was innocuous and pro-interracial (the genetics being not long in coming when the white woman chooses the black man as her mate) and it doesn't get posted. I'm not sure how I feel about comment moderation -- did my comment get lost or did the blog owner deem it to be offensive?

    1. Apologies - I am not aware of moderating any comment you made. The only comments I occasionally deny are negative or racist ones, which it doesn't sound like yours was. I don't know what happened there.

    2. No worries--it is u fortunate that comments have to be moderated because of the racists and haters.


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...