Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Goddess worshipping: Kara

This movement will be driven by women. Business owner, consultant, political activist and all-round boss, Kara...



  1. The only positive I see coming out of this tragedy in the US is an explosion of interracial sex as white women seek out and show solidarity with black men.

    1. I want to try to keep this blog apolitical - but I have to say I agree with your analysis 100%.

    2. I find the political side of the IR movement very appealing! A social movement that seeks to overthrow the old order and the people become united as one because of the intermingling between the different races, particularly white women with black men. As the title of this post says, women are driving this movement.

      We will overcome and become better for it. As white male allies of the IR movement, we are ahead of the curve.

    3. I agree. I don't like violence and destruction. Bu thaving been a supporter of this change for many years I am thrilled to watch the explosion of white female / Black male IR.

  2. Where can we learn more about this amazing woman?

  3. Love to learn more about this woman, she sounds like an amazing #whitefemalerolemodel:) Love the picture of her in the chair, i keep imagining how wonderful it would be kneel before her and kiss her foot and ask how i could help her in advancing the cause:)-d


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...