Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Goddess worshipping: Kendra in Jamaica again!

Showbunny goddess Kendra Sunderland is seeking Covid refuge in her favorite vacationing spot and ultimate spritual home - Jamaica!

The statuesque 5 foot 9 beauty from Oregon became an internet megastar after her appearances on BLACKED. She earned herself legions of besotted cuckboy fans - and now she's enjoying her money, fame and freedom in her Jamaican paradise!

For fans like me, what is so amazing about these vacation photos is how how relaxed and at ease Kendra looks in her Jamaica flag bikini (covering her famous 32Gs complete with nipple piercings!) It's a clear statement of new loyalty and elevated unobtainability, guaranteed to get cuckboys twitching in their pants! 

But there's more! Our Kendra has decided to take a step further - and immortalize her love of Jamaica on her own body! It's not quite The Queen of Spades tattoo alas - but a tattoo of the Jamaica flag certainly leaves us cucks in no doubt about Kendra's preferences!


This is a girl who has cast off the restraints of guilt and found freedom in a culture that encourages her sexuality. 

I can only hope that more and more young girls take inspiration from Kendra's empowered,  guilt-free and sexy attitude to life. 

We must encourage them and celebrate them!


  1. Kendra is another grade A goddess who chose to pursue strong black men for her fulfillment. A body like hers could never be satisfied by a white boy. Sorry, we must sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

  2. Really enjoyed your writing in this entry. You nailed it!

  3. hello,i'm 19, yes it's very popular, even my sister started twerk and follows the ashtag snowbunny on tiktok, i don't know what happens to me but now the world is bombarding me with this and when i see girls i immediately think i can't handle them .maybe I'm becoming cuck, maybe girl I don't know, yet I can't stop it, especially when it's so popular around me

    1. Perfectly normal feeling, and it's ok to be turned on by it.

    2. I'm sure Kendra's brother might feel the same way.

  4. I love that Kendra is getting a Jamican flag tattoo. Anyone can tell by looking at her what her reason would be for doing so, and that it's the same reason many white women get a Queen of Spades tattoo. To serve as a public branding so everyone will know rhather sexual allegiances are with Black men, and any white males who look at her should be discouraged from having any hope for anything other than looking at her.-d

  5. Kendra explaining her transition from vanilla to chocolate and finally her desire to have black babies. Sorry white boys, no babies with you!

  6. Curious, I know Kendra is very open about her preference for Black men on her social media, but has anyone ever seen her seem to take enjoyment from teasing whiteboys?

    1. It's clear she gets a kick out of it! Her recent twitter post looked like a video doing just that but I haven't managed to buy this one yet https://twitter.com/KSLibraryGirl/status/1286367043961397251


Scenario: Jen

Jen sat outside on the stone bench, the warm sun casting a golden hue over everything around her.  She had been looking forward to this date...