Sunday, 28 June 2020

Cuck sighting: goddesses on rollerblades

With Covid having shut down pretty much everything, the last thing I was expecting today when I joined my friend and her mum for lunch at a very famous hotel was to be blessed with one of the most mind-blowing cuck sightings I've had in a long, long time!

As I walked through the foyer of the hotel, I was confronted with two tall goddesses who were stood in front of the front desk in full rollerblading gear. In fact, they still had the rollerblades on in the middle of the hotel - which contributed to the incredible result of making both girls tower over me!

The first girl was blonde, the second brunette, and although they both had Covid face masks on, I could see enough to know that they were absolutely model-esque exceptional. They were tall, slim and expensive looking, both wearing cropped work out tops and tiny, tight-fitting lycra shorts.

They were engaged in a discussion with the front desk about getting access to the bar area. I gathered they were being told that they couldn't go through wearing the rollerblades - although how they imagined that they'd be able to hang out in a hotel bar in rollerblades was a bit beyond me! Goddesses operate on a different level!

I slowed my pace to loiter and drink in the sight of the pair of them - making sure to catch their eyes and give them my most practiced of open-mouthed, worshipful stares - showing my complete respect and awe! They looked back at me with that look of complete entitlement that only goddesses know how to give - "yes we know we're gorgeous!" - making my cock jump in my pants like an electric shock!

I drank in the sight of both goddesses. Their height, their beautiful faces, their taut exposed stomachs, the long, smooth, shapely legs, fully showcased by their tiny, tight lycra shorts and those beautifully sculpted and toned behinds!

As I gazed at them, lost in daydreams, a very tall Black guy came around the corner and called out to the girls. He looked like a basketball player, at least 6 foot 5, and wearing expensive designer gear. Both girls turned, smiled, and in a graceful half-walk, half-rollerblade, followed him off down the corridor where I could not follow.

My heart pounding, I made my way to join my friends for lunch, grateful that I had been granted vision of these two tall goddesses to make my Sunday complete!


  1. For the longest time, I would feel a sense of jealousy and anxiety when I would spot an attractive young white woman with a black man out in public. And over time, I've come to enjoy and be thrilled at such sightings and I feel rather disappointed if a white woman is going out with a white man.

    I recall one summer where I would walk by a playground almost every day and not a day went by where I would not see scores of white women with black boyfriends or husbands or even better, they would play with their mixed race children. Those are by far my favorite IR sightings because they confirm and make it official that WW and BM are officially on a course to creating a new mixed race offspring that will join the majority of people of color who are emerging as the new majority in the increasingly former white Western World.

    These are exciting times!

  2. GW- i love how your evolving to enjoy the humiliation of showing your attraction to women who return your looks with indifference or even annoyance, and how when they walk away with a Black man it's like icing on the cake of your veta male sexuality. Very erotic development and very proud of you for owning it as well:)-d

    1. Thanks! Agree with most of what you've summarized except the indifference / annoyance part. I do not have any desire to be looked at that way. Instead, my big turn on is the teasing and tantalizing dynamic of the lifestyle.


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